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Other Religious Reform and the Catholic Counter Reformation

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1 Other Religious Reform and the Catholic Counter Reformation

2 John Calvin Calvin Formalizes Protestant Ideas
John Calvin states the following: - Humans are sinful by nature - humans cannot earn salvation- God chooses a very few called the “elect”. This doctrine is called PREDESTINATION. - his new sect of Christianity is called CALVINISM.

3 Calvin Leads the Reformation in Switzerland
Thought gov’t should be a theocracy Moves to Switzerland to institute his ideas very strict not allowed to play cards, dance, wear bright clothes, even laugh

4 King Henry VIII England Becomes Protestant
Henry VIII wants a Son, results in him wanting to divorce his wife The Pope will not allow this Henry will leave the Church start his own church

5 Henry’s Wives Catherine of Aragon- mother of Mary
Anne Boleyn- Executed- mother of Elizabeth Jane Seymour – married Henry within 24 hrs after Anne’s execution – gave birth to Edward – died 2 weeks later- only wife to be buried with Henry Anne of Cleves – henry never attracted to her, thought a strategic marriage- French, but proved not worth it- divorced Kathryn Howard- married her 16 days after divorcing Anne – he was 49 and she was no older than 19 – executed because of adultery- Katherine Parr- mother was in Catherine of Aragon’s court and named Katherine after her- last wife named for the first Henry Dies



8 Catholic Counter-Reformation
The Catholic Reformation = The Counter Reformation Ignatius of Loyola Founded the Jesuits- Three goals were: Education Converting non - Christians Stopping the Protestant Reformation Council of Trent -Solidiy Catholic doctrine and strengthen Catholic Church in response to the Protestant Reformation

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