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DEFRA EU Exit Preparations

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1 DEFRA EU Exit Preparations
Sarah Samuel


3 Our import mission We will build an effective import control system to maintain the flow of live animals, products of animal origin and high risk food and feed into the UK, while protecting UK’s biosecurity and food safety A UK Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS), will be introduced to maintain our levels of biosecurity and food safety, minimise delays at borders and allow developments to support the UK’s future import controls. OFFICIAL

4 NON-EU COUNTRIES IMPORTS 2013-17 average
Key facts Forecasted day 1 imports 4,000  animal and animal product transit goods 240,000 – 640,000 prenotifications NON-EU COUNTRIES IMPORTS average 64,000 animal products 17,000 high risk food not of animal origin 10,000 live animal consignments APRIL 2019 EU IMPORTS average 36,000 live animal consignments 39,000 horse movements

5 Day one issue 30% UK food trade imported from EU
day 1 products will continue to flow freely risk-based controls pre-notifications to be implemented after day 1 Transit goods Live animals and animal products from third countries travelling through EU before entering UK 20% UK food trade from third countries trade stays as is it is today small amount of business change importers and import agents will be trained on the new system 50% UK food trade produced in UK

6 Day 1, no-deal scenario Imports from the EU
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, the government will ensure a smooth transition by making no changes on day one to current import controls or notification requirements for live animals, animal products, and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin imported direct from the EU. For an interim period, the UK will continue to recognise the current certificates issued by EU countries. Imports from third countries There will be no change to current import controls and requirements for notifications of live animals, animal products, and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin imported directly from outside the EU. The only difference is that importers will need to use the new UK import notification system, IPAFFS (Imports of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System) rather than TRACES, the EU’s import notification system.


8 Our exports mission We will deliver an effective export system to maintain the flow of animals and animal products out of the UK when we leave the EU with the capability to adapt to changes in demand for export health certificates

9 4000 96% Exports economy £7.6bn £5bn
food and drink businesses helped by government to export in 2 years of food sector businesses (excluding drinks) are SMEs contribution to UK economy from exporting animals and food (i.e. meat and dairy) to the EU and other countries. in excess of, contribution to UK economy from exporting animals, and food products which come from animals, to the EU.

10 Key facts 1600 different Export Health Certificates (EHCs) exist 52,000 EHCs generated in nearly half of EHCs cover meat and dairy products 21,000 intra-trade animal health certificates produced for live animals and germplasm

11 Day one issue We will need to produce a much higher number of EHCs for exports to EU countries We currently produce 52,000 EHCs for exports to third countries

12 How we are helping businesses
The primary objective is to preserve the £7.6bn of annual exports of animals and animal products from the UK, and specifically the £5.4bn to the EU annually. We achieve this by: ensuring that the Centre for International Trade – Carlisle (CITC) are able to effectively process the anticipated increase in export health certificate (EHC) requirements ensuring availability of Official Veterinarians (OV) / Environmental Health Officers (EHO) to certify the health and quality standards of exports on EHCs ensuring that EHCs, as well as related content and guidance, are updated to reflect the new process and the post-exit circumstances of the UK moving towards electronic certification for EHCs in the longer term

13 Considerations for businesses
EHCs are required for consignments arriving after 11pm on the 29th of March If sending regular or short-notice export consignments – consider grouping your export consignments, or working with your Official Vet (OV) to secure batches of serial-numbered EHCs Identify suitable OVs – information will be available soon Encourage EU importers / buyers to register on TRACES (EU import notification system)

14 Thank you

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