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The Legend Of Day And Night

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1 The Legend Of Day And Night
By stella barr

2 Long ago, far up in the sky, the Sun was the ruler of the galaxy
Long ago, far up in the sky, the Sun was the ruler of the galaxy. The Sun was very greedy and demanding. He would always give orders to the planets, and he always got his own way, because all the planets were too afraid to say no.

3 One day, the time came for the Sun to give up his time as king
One day, the time came for the Sun to give up his time as king. A battle was held to see who would be the new ruler of the galaxy. “I AM THE CENTER OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM! I DESERVE TO STAY KING!”, exclaimed Sun. “YOUR TURN IS OVER!! GIVE US A CHANCE!”, shouted Earth. “I DESERVE TO BE KING!” “NO YOU DON’T!”

4 Suddenly, a tiny voice echoed from Earth.

5 “I am the most important part of Earth
“I am the most important part of Earth! Why does everyone underestimate me because I am imaginary? I deserve to be queen!” piped up Axis.

6 At first, the galaxy was silent. Then, the Sun finally spoke.

7 “Am I underestimating you, axis? Well I’ll show you underestimating!!”
The sun backed up, and blasted axis with a big firey breath. Axis fell down, taking earth with him. Now earth was at an angle, facing sun. there was a sad silence that rang throughout the solar system. Moon gave sun a sad backward glance, then turned away ashamed of the sun’s actions.

8 The sun could not believe what moon had done
The sun could not believe what moon had done. Turn away from him, he had never imagined such a thing could happen. He felt a pang of guilt in his chest. Then the mighty sun began to cry.

9 All the waves coming out of the sun’s body were creating a pull…

10 All the planets began rotating around the sun
All the planets began rotating around the sun. he had created a gravitational pull that put the planets into orbit. From that day on, the planets rotated around sun to help him feel better. Every 12 hours, the sun would feel angry of his actions towards the planets, and scortched them in fear.


12 Author’s note There is a scientific reason behind the real explination why we have day and night. the earth has an axis that goes through the north and south poles. The axis is tilted, so as the earth rotates around the sun, the tilt controls the amount of sunlight we get in a day. One full rotation takes 24 hours, which is one full day. I hope you enjoyed my legend for the reason behind day and night and understand the real reason for day and night.  ~stella barr~

13 THE END!!

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