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H1 2010 revenue July 22, 2010.

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1 H revenue July 22, 2010

2 H1 2010 revenue: € 362.4m en M€ +37,5 -8,0 +6,0 Total growth +10.9%
Fx change Perimeter Organic +11.8% Total growth +10.9%

3 Improvement vs 2009 €m Organic trend per quarter in %
Reported H1 revenue €m Organic trend per quarter in % +16% +8% -10.1% -10.9% -16.2% -24.6%

4 Revenue organic trend by product line in Q2
Head Protection: +3.5% (vs -10.4% in Q2 2009) Respiratory Decreasing this quarter because of the end of delivery of SCBA systems for Californian firefighters (- 6€m vs Q2 2009) Disposable mask: approx. + 11€m this quarter similar to Q2 2009 Eye/Face - Strong growth this quarter in all geographies Hearing - Sustained growth in Asia and Europe, moderate in Americas

5 Sales organic trend by product line in Q2
Body Protection: +13.9% (vs -23.8% in Q2 2009) Fall Protection - A sharp improvement in personal equipment (particularly in Americas) and in collective systems Footwear - A significant improvement in Europe and in Asia Gloves The European growth balances the continuing products rationalization in the U.S. Clothing - Decreasing this quarter because of an unfavourable basis of comparison on important contracts

6 Appendix Q revenue 6

7 H1 2010 revenue by product line
Head Protection €200.1 m Footwear Respiratory 55% 8.5% 8% 24% 20% Clothing Eye/Face 6% 8.5% 18% 17% 8% 9.5% Gloves Body Protection €162.3 m 23% 21.5% 13% 15% Hearing 45% Fall Protection 7

8 H1 2010 revenue by geography EMEA (Europe, Middle-East, Africa)
48 % of sales AMERICAS 44 % of sales ASIA-PACIFIC 8 % of sales

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