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Atom Quiz STEM Fair Conclusion

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Presentation on theme: "Atom Quiz STEM Fair Conclusion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atom Quiz STEM Fair Conclusion

2 Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to the exam
Objectives Today I will be able to: Apply my understanding of the atom concepts to an exam. Understand the requirements for the STEM fair conclusion Informal assessment – monitoring student interactions as they complete the exam Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to the exam Common Core Connection Demonstrate Independence Build Strong Content Knowledge

3 Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up
Evaluate: Atomic Structure, Mole and History of Atom Quiz Explain: STEM Fair Conclusion Requirements Evaluate: Exit Ticket

4 Warm - Up Explain Rutherford and Schrodinger’s contributions to the modern atom Isotopes contain different numbers of ____________? What is Avogadro’s Number? How is it used? How do you determine how many atoms are in a sample of molecules? Write the symbol for Neptunium - 237

5 Objective Today I will be able to:
Apply my understanding of the atom concepts to an exam. Understand the requirements for the STEM fair conclusion

6 Homework STEM Fair Data Analysis Redo’s Due Monday October 15

7 Agenda Warm – Up Atomic Structure, Mole and History of Atom Quiz
STEM Fair Conclusion Requirements Exit Ticket

8 Quiz!

9 STEM Fair Conclusion

10 Data Collection and Analysis Corrections
Due for Half Credit Monday October 14

11 Conclusion State if data supports hypothesis
Use Data to support the claim State if data is statistically significant using results of statistical test Connect to previous research Discuss application/relevance of findings Identifies new questions to be investigated in the future

12 Conclusion Discuss Errors Make sure formatting is correct Statistical
Systemic Measurement Make sure formatting is correct Proper Citations APA Reference list Written in passive voice

13 Exit Ticket What concerns do you have about STEM fair?

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