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Plans after High School

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1 Plans after High School
Student’s Name:_________________________ Anticipated Graduation Date:_________(Started 2013 and beyond) C.P., Honors/Gifted 12th Grade or British Lit, or AP C.P., Honors/Gifted 11th Grade or American Lit C.P., Honors/Gifted 9th Grade LA C.P., Honors/Gifted 10th Grade or World Lit S1 S2 Language Arts (4 units) Recommended Classes 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________ 1st Semester 2nd Semester S1 S2 Math (4 units) Pre-Cal/Stats & Discrete Math/Calculus/ AP Cal/AP Stats/Dual Enrollment/Other Math Class Algebra II/Accel PreCal/AP Cal or AP Stats Algebra CC/ Acc Algebra I or Accel Geometry/ Geometry CC/Accel. Geometry/Accel PreCal Additional Science C.P., Honors/Gifted, AP Physics C.P., Honors/Gifted Biology C.P., Honors/Gifted, AP Chemistry S1 S2 Science (4 units) Notes ________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ C.P., Honors/Gifted Political Sys.; AP Govt C.P., Honors/Gifted, AP Economics C.P., Honors/Gifted, AP World History C.P., Honors/Gifted, AP US History S1 S2 Social Studies (3 units) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Intro to Life Fitness Health Health & PE (1 unit) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Any Combination Fine Arts Electives, Technical Electives, __________________________________________ or Foreign Language ** S1 S2 __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ S1 S2 Electives (4 units) Plans after High School __________________________________________ Total 23 UNITS - **2 units of foreign language are required for college admission in the state of Georgia Student Signature: ___________________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Counselor Signature: _______________________

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