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The Quick and Dirty of Microbiology

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Presentation on theme: "The Quick and Dirty of Microbiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Quick and Dirty of Microbiology

2 Bacteria Structure Unicellular Prokaryotic Some have flagella
No nucleus Two domains: Eubacteria & Archea

3 Different Shapes Bacillus: Rod-Shaped Coccus: Round-Shaped
Spirrilium: Spiral-Shaped Arrangements Staphlo- Grape-like cluster Strep- Chain Diplo- Pair

4 Roles of Bacteria Decomposers Nitrogen Fixation Dairy Production
Bio-technology Some of them are pathogens. Gram Staining Purple- Gram + usually can be treated with antibiotics. Red/Pink Gram – Usually cannot be treated.

5 Viruses Non-living Made of DNA/RNA surrounded by protein coat (capsid)
Cannot be treated with antibiotics. Bacteriophage is a virus that infects bacteria.

6 Viral Infection Lytic Infection
Virus invades the host cell and immediately starts making virus parts. Rapid reproduction

7 Viral Replication Lysogenic Infection Delayed infection
DNA incorporated into host genome.

8 Kingdom Protista A eukaryotic organism that is not a plant, animal or fungus. Mostly unicellular Some are heterotrophic, some are autotrophic. Classified by method of movement.

9 Endosymbiotic Theory The development of a eukaryotic cell comes from a symbiotic relationship between simpler cells.

10 Disease Causing Protists
Malaria is caused by a non-motile protists called plasmodium. Carried by a mosquito.

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