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Structure of Sports Cardiology course September and January intake

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1 Structure of Sports Cardiology course September and January intake
Module 1 (15 credits) Theory of CV evaluation of athletes Module 5 (15 credits) Cardiovascular anatomy & physiology Module 2 (15 credits) CV evaluation of athletes in practice Module 6 (15 credits) Cardiac rehabilitation Module 3 (15 credits) Theory of CV screening Module 7 (15 credits) Option Module 1 – Research Methods Module 4 (15 credits) CV screening in practice Module 8 (15 credits) Option Module 2

2 Example of a full-time MSc September intake Year 1 Term 1 Sep-Dec
Cardiovascular anatomy & physiology Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri in September All lectures recorded Term 1 Sep-Dec Principles of CV evaluation of athletes Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri (CRY conference) in October All lectures recorded Practice of CV evaluation of athletes 1-2 weeks in November/December Research Methods All lectures recorded (Optional for those with another PG degree) Research project Module (Thesis) 60 credits Principles of CV screening Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in January All lectures recorded Term 2 Jan-Apr Option Modules Emergency response planning (All lectures recorded) CV genetics & advanced management of inherited cardiac conditions (All lectures recorded) Ethical, legal and social issues applied in genomics (face-to-face ONLY) Counselling skills in genomics (face-to-face ONLY) Practice of CV screening Screening experience Option module 2 Term 3 May-Aug Cardiac rehabilitation Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in May All lectures recorded

3 Example of a full-time MSc January intake Year 1 Term 1 Jan-Apr Term 2
Principles of CV screening Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in January All lectures recorded Term 1 Jan-Apr Practice of CV screening Screening experience Research Methods All lectures recorded (Optional for those with another PG degree) Option module 2 Research project Module (Thesis) 60 credits Term 2 May-Aug Cardiac rehabilitation Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in May All lectures recorded Option Modules Emergency response planning (All lectures recorded) CV genetics & advanced management of inherited cardiac conditions (All lectures recorded) Ethical, legal and social issues applied in genomics (face-to-face ONLY) Counselling skills in genomics (face-to-face ONLY) Cardiovascular anatomy & physiology Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri in September All lectures recorded Term 3 Sep-Dec Principles of CV evaluation of athletes Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri (CRY conference) in October All lectures recorded Practice of CV evaluation of athletes 1-2 weeks in November/December

4 Example of a part-time MSc Year 1 Year 2 Term 1 Sep-Dec Term 2 Jan-Apr
Cardiovascular anatomy & physiology Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri in September All lectures recorded Term 1 Sep-Dec Principles of CV evaluation of athletes Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri (CRY conference) in October All lectures recorded Practice of CV evaluation of athletes 1-2 weeks in November/December Research Methods All lectures recorded (Optional for those with another PG degree) Practice of CV screening Screening experience throughout the 2 years Term 2 Jan-Apr Principles of CV screening Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in January All lectures recorded Genetics and advanced management of inherited cardiac diseases Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in March All lectures recorded Cardiac rehabilitation Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in May All lectures recorded Term 3 May-Aug Research Project (Thesis) To be conducted throughout the MSc duration

5 Example of part-time Diploma
Year 1 Year 2 Cardiovascular anatomy & physiology Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri in September All lectures recorded Term 1 Sep-Dec Principles of CV evaluation of athletes Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri (CRY conferen) in October All lectures recorded Practice of CV evaluation of athletes 1-2 weeks in November/December Principles of CV screening Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in January All lectures recorded Practice of CV screening Screening experience throughout the 2 years Term 2 Jan-Apr Emergency response planning Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri in March/April All lectures recorded Genetics and advanced management of inherited cardiac diseases Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in March All lectures recorded Cardiac rehabilitation Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in May All lectures recorded Term 3 May-Aug Please note that if you wish to upgrade to an MSc and you do not have another postgraduate degree (MSc/PhD) you will need to undertake the Research Methods module either as an extra module (separate charge) or swap one of your option modules.

6 Example of Certificate Year 1 Term 1 Sep-Dec Term 2 Jan-Apr Term 3
Principles of CV evaluation of athletes Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri (CRY conference) in October All lectures recorded Term 1 Sep-Dec Practice of CV evaluation of athletes 1-2 weeks in November/December Principles of CV screening Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in January All lectures recorded Term 2 Jan-Apr Practice of CV screening Screening experience Term 3 May-Aug

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