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The Design of the Horse Mask

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Presentation on theme: "The Design of the Horse Mask"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Design of the Horse Mask
Jacob McKown B5 | Graphic Design: Mr. Dr. Professor Warren

2 The Big Idea Long has man wanted to be part horse Came from Centaurs
Majestic Mythical creatures composed of half man and half horse Most centaurs had beards of equal majesty

3 Why be a Centaur...? Centaurs are awesome and majestic
You would be half man and half horse All centaurs have amazing beards

4 A Compromise What if you could really be half man and half horse
Well lucky for us there is a way….

5 The Mask With a horsemask one can be as majestic as a horse
And as classy as a gentleman

6 The Mask Even ladies can use it
Because being a centaur is a right everyone should enjoy

7 Impact on Society Brings people together Is funny to all
Horse enthusiast can now fulfill their dreams People can now be centaurs

8 Why is this so Special It’s not But it appeals to the general public
Mostly people between the ages of 13 & 26 So please embrace it and become a Centaur

9 Questions?

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