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Interest Inventory Holland Codes

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Presentation on theme: "Interest Inventory Holland Codes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interest Inventory Holland Codes
CO-SWBAT: figure out your Holland Code. LO-SWBAT: learn what RIASEC means and compile your own code.

2 RIASEC Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising

3 RIASEC Realistic People are good at mechanical or athletic jobs.
Enjoys working with machines, tools and plants. Likes to work with their hands. Good at solving problems.

4 RIASEC Investigative People like to watch, learn, analyze and solve problems. Like to work independently Likes to analyze data Good at Math and Science

5 RIASEC Artistic Enjoy unstructured situations
Uses creativity and new ideas. Enjoys music and arts.

6 RIASEC Social Like to work directly with people rather than things.
Likes to train, instruct, counsel or curing others. Good public speakers.

7 RIASEC Enterprising Likes to work people.
Enjoys influencing, persuading and performing. Assertive and enthusiastic.

8 RIASEC Conventional Detail-oriented. Likes structured situations.
Likes to work with numbers. Good at following directions.

9 References
Within My Reach edition. Minnesota Office of Higher Education.

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