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Unit 1 Lesson 5 Researching a Successful Individual

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1 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Researching a Successful Individual
Objective: We will research traits of a successful individual in order to produce and publish a sustained research project.

2 Drill Option 1: If you choose this drill, complete it in the text box provided. Do not complete Option 2. Style and Point of View: In his book, Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Ghandi, Howard Gardner says: “[W]hen they fail, they do not waste much time lamenting; blaming; or, at the extreme, quitting. Instead, regarding the failure as a learning experience, they try to build upon its lessons in their future endeavors. Framing is most succinctly captured in aphorism by French economist and visionary Jean Monnet: ‘I regard every defeat as an opportunity.’” 1. Use context clues to define the words lamenting and succinctly. 2. What is the effect of Gardner’s use of semi-colons after lamenting and blaming in the first clause? Objective: We will research traits of a successful individual in order to produce and publish a sustained research project.

3 Drill Option 2: If you choose this drill, complete it in the text box provided. Do not complete Option 1. C. Combine these sentences together to create one cohesive sentence: 1. There were breaks in the light. 2. The light was between the leaves. 3. The bellowed through the breaks. 4. The sky bellowed that the day had begun. 5. A new day meant there was at least one more opportunity. D. Expand on this sentence stem by adding prepositional phrases: // // //, he began working //, which meant //. E. What is the effect of adding prepositional phrases? Use this quotation for a grammatical study: In Jeffrey Pfeffer’s book, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organization he states: “In a study of general managers in industry, John Kotter reported that many of them worked 60 to 65 hours per week–which translates into at least six 10-hour days.” A. Unscramble the phrases to look like the model: 1. she dribbled in a way 2. which erupted into 3. with a flurry of skills in action 4. an explosion of applause 5. that none of them had seen before  B. Imitate Pfeffer’s sentence. Objective: We will research traits of a successful individual in order to produce and publish a sustained research project.

4 Discussion: Think about what you have written about success so far in this unit. Then, catalogue a list of 8 things all successful people have in common in their journals. Defend your suggestions with examples from the class texts, past experiences, or current events. Add to your list based on the agreed upon answers. Objective: We will research traits of a successful individual in order to produce and publish a sustained research project

5 Time Magazine Article:
Read the Time magazine article, 8 Things the World's Most Successful People All Have in Common and explore the hyperlinks embedded in the article to get a more detailed understanding. Then, complete the task based on your chosen group: A, B, or C. Group A Create a checklist of 2-3 skills that a successful person needs to have to meet each trait the article discusses. Group B Categorize each character/author read in the unit into the 8 categories from the article. Each category must be represented. Explain why you placed each character/author where you did. Group C Create an Infograph using Discovery Board Builder that explains what all successful people have in common. Include 2-3 pieces of information from the article/links for each of the 8 things successful people have in common. Include videos and images you have found on the web to supplement your explanation. Objective: We will research traits of a successful individual in order to produce and publish a sustained research project.

6 Research: Using the Time magazine article as a basis for defining success, choose a person to research who you believe to be successful. The overarching research questions you’re responding to are: What circumstances lead to the success of the individual? What can one learn from this individual’s experience to contribute to his/her own success? Was this individual born great, achieve greatness, or did he/she have greatness thrust upon him/her? Use 2-3 reliable sources using MLA style to cite and gather information on your chosen successful person. See pages in Write for College or explore Purdue Owl.  Objective: We will research traits of a successful individual in order to produce and publish a sustained research project

7 Formative Assessment:
Objective: We will research traits of a successful individual in order to produce and publish a sustained research project Option 1: PowerPoint Option 2: Infographic Option 3: Brochure/Newsletter Create a Power Point presentation to organize their information about their successful individual. Organize information chronologically or by several “secrets to success” (similar to the Time magazine article) that you recognize from the individual’s experience. Create an Infograph using Discovery Board Builder to present your research on your successful individual. Organize information chronologically or by several “secrets to success” (similar to the Time magazine article) that you recognize from the individual’s experience. Create a business newsletter or brochure using Microsoft Publisher to advertise your successful individual’s “secret to success.” The brochure/newsletter’s audience should be someone hoping to follow in the same footsteps. by several “secrets to success” (similar to the Time magazine article) and reference specific examples from your individual’s life that lead to him or her finding success. You may either present your research to the class or post your presentation on our BCPS One discussion board set up by the teacher. As a home assignment, review two peer’s work and post responses, comparing their peer’s successful individual’s path to success to your own knowledge (either through research or through personal experience).

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