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Water Diary What can we learn?

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Presentation on theme: "Water Diary What can we learn?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Diary What can we learn?

2 Water Diary How much water did you use? Think about how much water you’ve used in terms of buckets… = 5 litres

3 Water Diary What is the average amount of water the class used during one day? To work out the ‘mean’ average… Add up all the water used by your class and divide by the number of pupils in the class

4 Water Diary Average UK water usage = ~150litres/day
That’s about…30 buckets of water Or 2 full baths every day Source: Ofwat

5 Can anyone survive without water?
Water Diary Can anyone survive without water? No! We all need water to live… … and not just any water We all need safe, clean water

6 Water Diary Why do we need water? We need water to… Drink
Wash ourselves Eat Cook Clean things Have time to live! Think how hard your life would be if you had to spend hours getting water every day…

7 Water Diary Water is a human right … “The right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation is a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights.” United Nations, 2010

8 Water Diary But many people don’t have this human right…
That’s 15 times the number of people in the UK! 900 million people don’t have safe drinking water 2.6 billion people live without acceptable sanitation That’s over 40 times the number of people in the UK! sanitation = getting rid of dirty water and waste e.g. sewers are needed to remove waste from toilets Source: Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council

9 That’s less than 4 buckets of water per day.
Water Diary In many countries, people still have access to less than 20 litres of clean water a day… That’s less than 4 buckets of water per day. Could you survive with only that much water? Source: United Nations Human Development Report 2006

10 … What problems will people have if they don’t have enough water?
Water Diary Some people don’t have access to any clean water at all… … What problems will people have if they don’t have enough water?

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