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Students Get handout – Enzyme Lab (if absent yesterday)

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Presentation on theme: "Students Get handout – Enzyme Lab (if absent yesterday)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Students Get handout – Enzyme Lab (if absent yesterday) Food & drink…put aside on back tables…..thank you Today is Pearl Harbor Day Cell phones in bin….muted or off….please & thank you

2 Lab 2: Enzyme catalysis Guaiacol + 2H2O tetraguaiacol H2O (colorless) (brownish orange) Enzyme = peroxidase Substrate = peroxide (H2O2) How will we measure enzyme function? - Color change using a spectrophotometer peroxidase

3 How does a spectrophotometer work?
Take home points Light at a specific wavelength is sent through a liquid sample Light passing through the sample is detected on the other side To measure this accurately, we must calibrate (blank) the spec. Calibrating the spec sets the range & “tells” the spec: what 0% light is (darkness) what 100% light is (all light passing through….the blank tube) For our experiment we will see how the amount of light passing through the test tube changes as the reaction proceeds.

4 Tube #1 (blank) Tube #2 Tube #3 Guaiacol 0.1 mL (2 drops) --- H2O2 0.2 mL (4 drops) Turnip extract (peroxidase) 1.0 mL (20 drops) dH2O 5.2 mL 5.0 mL Set wavelength to 500 nm With the chamber empty, use left knob to adjust to 0% T Insert tube #1 (blank) into spec & use right knob to adjust to 100% T Pour #2 into #3 & begin timing immediately!! Invert 2X quickly & place into spec Record %T every 10 sec for 90 – 120 secs (do 2X with 2 new tubes) From page 3, choose your experiment for tomorrow Peel tape, rinse tubes & place in tan basin by sink. Thank you! Graph data together on 1 graph & calculate reaction rates of each line

5 Students Ladies – Perry WFU Hands-on workshops, orthopedic surgeons, biomechanics Today is National Brownie Day Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day Food & drink away or on the back table Phones in the bin….muted or off…please & thank you! Experimental designs….MUSTS!!!! You MUST re-do yesterday’s experiment Different enzyme prep = different enzyme concentration Divide roles to efficiently use your time!!

6 Students Get handout – “The Biochemistry & …..” Lab notebooks – MONDAY – Osmosis/diffusion & Enzyme Today is National Pastry Day Cell phones in bin….muted or off….please & thank you

7 Students Osmosis/diffusion Pre-lab can be same for both Purpose/overview Personal Acct Diffusion Procedure – paraphrased Data table Osmosis Procedure Your data & class data Graph Discussion questions for both Conclusion for both

8 Enzyme Lab Pre-lab Enzyme info Spec info The Reaction we measured Purpose/overview Personal Acct Day 1 Procedure with ingredient table Data table – get data if you were absent Graph & rxn rate Day 2 Elements of Good Experimental Design Data table Graph & reaction rates Discussion question…Did your data support or refute your hypothesis? Conclusion What did you learn? What was the lab’s significance? What is your revised hypothesis (if needed)?

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