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Survey Construction.

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1 Survey Construction

2 Questions should be…. Brief Relevant Unambiguous Specific Objective

3 Any problems? When did you move to Cedar Falls?
In the past 30 days, were you able to climb the stairs with no difficulty? On days when you drink alcohol, how many drinks do you usually have? How many miles are you from the nearest hospital? I feel completely secure in facing unknown new situations because I know that my partner will never let me down. How long have you been married? I feel I do not have much to be proud of.

4 Word choices Don't you agree that campus parking is a problem?
There are many people who believe that campus parking is a problem. Are you one of them? Do you agree that campus parking is a problem and that the administration should be working diligently on a solution? What do you think about parking?

5 More on question wording (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree;
More on question wording (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree; * = reverse scored) I oppose raising taxes.* (willing to pay) 2.88 I would be willing to pay a few extra dollars in taxes to provide high-quality education to all children. 4.82 The primary task of the government should be to keep citizens safe from terrorism and crime. 3.81 The primary task of the government should be to preserve citizen’s rights and civil liberties. 4.50

6 Survey examples How often do you exercise? Infrequently 17%
Occasionally 48% Often % In the last six months, how often have you engaged in at least 20 minutes of aerobic activity? Almost never % x/week % Less than 1x/week 13% x/week % 1x/week % >4x/week % 2x/week %

7 USA Today/Gallup Poll Feb. 2009 1013 adults, +/- 3% error
Do you approve of the government temporarily taking over major banks in danger of failing? % approved Do you approve of the government temporarily nationalizing major banks in danger of failing? % disapproved Look at examples in Pew report

8 ACLU survey Please indicate how concerned you are about each of the following threats to our fundamental freedoms. Very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, not concerned at all The government’s harsh immigration policies that trample on the due process rights of immigrants families and send thousands into overcrowded and squalid detention centers. Emboldened extremists across the country escalating efforts to deny LGBT people their fundamental rights.

9 Presidential survey Official Presidential Job Performance Poll
How would you rate President Trump’s first year in office (2017)? Great, Good, Okay, Other How would you rate President Obama’s first year in office (2009)? Great, Good, Okay, Poor, Other white-house

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