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Warm Up – January 25 Answer the following questions on a post – it:

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up – January 25 Answer the following questions on a post – it:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up – January 25 Answer the following questions on a post – it:
What are trends or similarities you see amongst the New England colonies? What are trends or similarities you see amongst the Middle colonies? What are trends or similarities you see amongst the Southern colonies? How do the reasons for the New England colonies formation, differ from the Middle and Southern? Why did each colony form separate governments? What are some similarities you see amongst all of the colonial governments? Why did so many religious groups come to the colonies for religious freedom?

2 Phone Policy If you are caught with your phone out – I will take your phone If you want it back at the end of class – you will have to stand up and read the following statement to the class: I am so sorry that I had my phone out. Obviously, looking at my phone is more important to me than doing well in class and graduating from high school. My decision to be rude and disrespectful has now wasted everyone’s time. I will make sure this never happens again. I am so so so so so so sorry. Please accept my apology. If you do not want to read the statement, your phone will be in the office for you to pick up at the end of the day

3 Citizen, Immigrant, Alien, Refugee Definitions
A citizen is a native or naturalized member of a country who owes that country’s government their allegiance. A immigrant is someone from a foreign country who relocates to live in another country. They may or may not be citizens. A alien a person from a foreign country who is not a citizen of the host country. They may be there to visit or just stay for a while. A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her home country. They are unable or unwilling to return home because they fear serious harm

4 Unit 1: Foundation of government
The Path to Revolution

5 Salutary Neglect

6 Beginning in 1750, the king began to put restrictions of the colonist:
Why would England’s restrictions on the colonies upset settlers? The colonies had always practiced self rule

7 Mercantilism Theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than they buy Focus on money being a measure of wealth instead of land The King wanted to get as much wealth as he could from the colonies All material grown in the colonies had to be sold to Great Britain

8 Excessive Taxation England had fought in the French and Indian War and wanted the colonies to pay for the war debt. As a result, they began excessively taxing the colonies on everyday goods that they used such as sugar, paper, and tea. Additionally they passed laws such as the Quartering Act and Intolerable Acts which stripped colonist of their freedom.

9 TOD – January 25 Answer the following questions on the same post-it as the warm up: 1. Which two documents illustrated the origins of a representative democracy in America? 2. For what reasons were the colonists upset with the rule of the King of England in regards to the colonies? 3. Why did the idea of mercantilism and the French and Indian War play a role in how England viewed the role of the colonies?

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