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2-2 STRESS!!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "2-2 STRESS!!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 2-2 STRESS!!!!

2 Stress and the workplace!
Stress has an impact on your performance and also the performance of the employees your are overseeing. Stress is an emotional and/or physical reaction to environmental activities and events. Stressors are situations in which people feel anxiety, tension, and pressure. All people respond differently to events and to stressors.

3 The Good and the Bad The Good! The Bad! Helps improve performance
Stress can motivate Some people work well under pressure Adrenaline = top performance The Bad! Affects people behavior Human Relations is strained Performance can decrease Stress = less energy, causes aging, weight gain, weakened immune system and can ruin sleep Stress is a major cause of absenteeism!

4 Your Stress Personality Type
Take the test! (page 37)

5 Four Common Stressors at Work
The degree in which stressors affect us is caused, in part, by our personality type. Type A people have more stress than Type B people. Organizational Climate: The amount of cooperation, the level of motivation, and overall morale in an organization affect stress levels. More positive = less stress Management Behavior: Cal, participative management styles produce less stress. Degree of Job Satisfaction: People that enjoy their jobs and derive satisfaction form them handle stress better.

6 Review! Matching Fun

7 Forbes Article on Stress

8 De-Stress the School Activity!

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