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#1 Which example has no bias?

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Presentation on theme: "#1 Which example has no bias?"— Presentation transcript:

1 #1 Which example has no bias?
Marcy had hardly any idea what was going on in class when she raised her hand. Marcy raised her hand to ask one question in class.

2 #2 Which photo shows negative bias?

3 #3 Which example seems to omit info and add subjective details, thus causing bias?
The president of the company may reconsider his decisions after he watched the angry crowd of protestors from his window. The president of the company had a view of the three protestors from his window early that cold winter day.

4 Now you try it! You must choose the SAME scene from the book!
Half of group write biased news report Half of group write nonbiased news report Choose an important event and imagine you are a reporter there with STRONG feelings about what is happening. Choose an important event and imagine that you are a reporter from out of town with no feelings or connections to what is happening. You must choose the SAME scene from the book!

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