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How do we demonstrate trustworthiness?

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Presentation on theme: "How do we demonstrate trustworthiness?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we demonstrate trustworthiness?
Get Ready to Read How do we demonstrate trustworthiness? Who are the people you are most likely to trust? When have you witnessed people demonstrate trustworthiness? Turn to pages What does the handshake represent? How do the two boys demonstrate trustworthiness? How do the two girls demonstrate trustworthiness?

2 Amazing Words Listen for the following words in Damon and Pythias:
Get Ready to Read Amazing Words Listen for the following words in Damon and Pythias: Mercy Hope Impressed Devoted

3 In Damon and Pythias, what did Pythias do that impressed the king?
Get Ready to Read Impressed – In Damon and Pythias, what did Pythias do that impressed the king? What context clues can you use to figure out the meaning of impressed? What character traits might cause someone to be impressed? What character traits might have impressed the king? Mercy – having or showing more kindness than is expected or than justice requires. The judge showed mercy to the young, first-time offender. What other situations would involve showing mercy? Hope – a feeling that what you desire will happen. The political campaign emphasized hope to the voters. Compare hope to hopelessness. Give examples of each. Devoted – to be very loyal and faithful. The puppy quickly grew devoted to its owner. When have you observed a person or animal devoted to another?

4 Generalize Is this a generalization? Is it valid?
Read and Comprehend Generalize Is this a generalization? Is it valid? “Most basketball players are at least six feet tall.” Is this a generalization? Is it valid? All basketball players are better athletes than baseball players. Read Tall Tale Town. Use a graphic organizer like the one on page 422 and write generalizations about the people in Rahim’s new town.

5 Read and Comprehend Visualize What parts of Tall-Tale Town help you visualize the scene? What words does the author use to help you? Why is visualizing necessary for good readers?

6 Use expression – try to sound like you are speaking.
Read and Comprehend Fluency Practice Read Tall-Tale Town with your partner. Take turns with the dialogue – one of you read Rahim, the other read the part of the other boy. Use expression – try to sound like you are speaking.

7 Vocabulary Discuss the meanings of the following words: Confidently
Read and Comprehend Vocabulary Discuss the meanings of the following words: Confidently Dismounted Distressed Flourish Fulfill Permission Repay Vigorously

8 field trip someone snowflakes polka dot roller coaster solar system
Language Arts Time for your Spelling Pre-test. field trip someone snowflakes polka dot roller coaster solar system thunderstorm leftovers cell phone whitewash lightning rod myself life jacket bulldozer masterpiece area code cliffhanger wheelchair hour hand rain forest

9 Language Arts

10 A traditional story handed down for generations
Language Arts Writing a Folk Tale A traditional story handed down for generations Key features: Handed down from generation to generation Told in an engaging voice Teaches an important lesson May contain details of a particular culture

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