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Time to reflect on feedback

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Presentation on theme: "Time to reflect on feedback"— Presentation transcript:

1 Time to reflect on feedback
DIRT Time to reflect on feedback

2 How to complete DIRT First, we will go over the common mistakes that have been made. Check over your work to see if any of these have been circled in your work and make corrections. We will then look at some really good examples of work and discuss what was good about them. We will then do a SPaG review on mini whiteboards. Under your work you have been given 3 numbers, these link to a praise comment, a next step and a DIRT question. These must be completed in purple pen below your work.

3 Presentation Are all titles underlined?
Is your date in the top right of the work in Spanish/French? Have you made it clear where work was self or peer assessed? Are all sheets stuck in neatly?

4 Common errors


6 SPaG Review Here are the most commonly misspelled words I found in your books: You’ve got a few minutes to check your work and make corrections before we test on mini whiteboards.

7 What Went Well You have all got at least one praise code. Copy the relevant point from below and use a highlighter to find evidence in your work.

8 Next Step You’ve all been given at least one next step code. Copy it from the list:

9 DIRT Questions Answer the corresponding question below:

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