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Everyone Can Win Game Directions

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1 Everyone Can Win Game Directions
Materials: Every group will receive an envelope containing a green and a pink index card. Object of the Game: To end the game with any positive number of points. When a group achieves this, all of its members will receive the same amount of extra credit. Procedure: 1. The game has six rounds. During each round, you will have a few minutes to decide whether you want to play a green card or a pink card. You may send a representative to talk to other groups about what color each group should play. Once you decide which card to play, hide that card under one person’s desk. Hide your other card in the envelope, and put the envelope in the middle of your group of desks.

2 2. At the end of each round, all groups will be asked to reveal their cards
by quickly holding them up, at the same time. • If all groups play green, every group will receive positive points. • If some groups play green and some play pink, groups that played green will receive negative points, and groups that played pink will receive positive points. • If all groups play pink, every group will receive negative points. 3. After each round, you will receive positive or negative points for that round. The point values double for each round, as follows: • Round 1: ±1 point • Round 2: ±2 points • Round 3: ±4 points • Round 4: ±8 points • Round 5: ±16 points • Round 6: ±32 points 4. After Round 6, groups that ended with a positive number of points will earn extra credit.

3 Notebook Entry #6 - Everyone Can Win – left side
• What emotions did you experience while playing the game? • For those of you who played a green card every time, why did you do that? • For those of you who played a pink card even once, why did you do that? • Why was (or wasn’t) the class able to play the game so that everyone won? • Can you think of something from history or real life that has a similar dynamic to this game?

4 Based on your experience in the game and what you read in Chapter 9.3,
Why might it have been difficult for workers to form labor unions? Why might workers have wanted to form labor unions, despite those difficulties?

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