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BR: T2D17 1 min: Take a moment, and reflect on your chosen sites. Take a sticky note, and write down a summary of ONE of your chosen places. 3 min: DON’T.

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Presentation on theme: "BR: T2D17 1 min: Take a moment, and reflect on your chosen sites. Take a sticky note, and write down a summary of ONE of your chosen places. 3 min: DON’T."— Presentation transcript:

1 BR: T2D17 1 min: Take a moment, and reflect on your chosen sites. Take a sticky note, and write down a summary of ONE of your chosen places. 3 min: DON’T include the name; your goal is to write enough info that your fellow classmates can guess what it is based on your description. Around the room, there are letters (A, B, C…) on purple sticky notes; After you are done, find one, stick your description next to it! 5 min: After everyone has finished, take a plain piece of paper and a clipboard, read the descriptions, and make a guess where the place is. You have 5 minutes

2 T2D17: Due: Part IIB: Site Survey
PBL Project Overview T2D17: Due: Part IIB: Site Survey

3 Fishbowl Activity (~20 minutes)
Alright, let’s do what is called a fishbowl activity! So I’ll need 3 students to come and sit at the middle table behind the projector. These three students are going to be answering the following questions: What did I learn from my homework assignment (Part IIB) I.e., visiting the sites I’ll be discussing on my tour What are some interesting facts? Etc. Meanwhile, I’d like the rest of you to be paying attention, and listening to the conversation. You are all expected to participate, so I’d like you “tap in” at some point, by tapping the shoulder of someone who is no longer speaking at the moment. They will leave their seat, and go join the audience. Then, when it is polite, you may share or respond to something another person in the fishbowl has said. We will continue with this until everyone has shared something and / or responded to another students thoughts! Let’s start with an example, since this is a new activity: Should parents let their children believe in Santa Clause?

4 Great Work! Ok, please let Mr. Wright check off your HW, and then you may return to working on your project. Note that Mr. Wright will also be handing out Part IV: the Posterboard assignment, which is the last part of your project! As a review, here are the 5 parts of your project: Part I: Your Journal (Due: T2D19 / 12/12T 12/13W) Part IIA: Field Trip (Completed); Part IIB: Site Survey HW (Due Today) Part IIIA Interview & Reflection OR IIIB: Tangible & Biography Due: T2D18 (Next Class); Get this done ASAP Part IV: Display Board (Due: T2D19; grab if you’d like; we’ll explain next time) Part V: Self-Guided Tour Project

5 Goals for Today! Make sure you are caught up (Part IIB finished, etc.)
Make plans to complete Part IIIA or B (Interview / Tangible) Continue working on Part V Tour assignment (or finish deciding which format you’d like to do it as; you have just over a week to complete it at this point, you need to have chosen a format by now) *If ahead of schedule: Begin working on Part IV Display Board (See PBL Binder for more info) Finish up Part V I’ll be coming around now to assist as needed! REMINDER: Last 5-10 minutes of class, you should write in your Journal!

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