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QQ: What are the steps to creating sedimentary rock?

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Presentation on theme: "QQ: What are the steps to creating sedimentary rock?"— Presentation transcript:

1 QQ: What are the steps to creating sedimentary rock? Compare metamorphic and igneous rock. How are they alike and how are they different? Why is the creation of rock considered a cycle?

2 1. Sedimentary Rock: Sediment (small particles) Transportation (moved)
Deposition (put down) Compaction (Pushed together) Cementation (glued together by tiny dust-like particles)

3 Both are created by extreme heat & pressure.
Metamorphic used to be another type of rock and “changed”

4 Melted rock once it has reached the surface
Magma Lava Melted rock below the surface

5 3. One type of rock can turn into the other. It cycles around.

6 Let's Rock The Rock Cycle

7 Weathering Lab Simultation

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