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Start Playing Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Start Playing Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start Playing Jeopardy

2 Scramble for Africa Economics China Japan Industrialization 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 You can change the category titles by clicking in the text box and typing. The slides follow the order of the cards. 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

3 100 The two most successful countries in the scramble for Africa (think of the dice-roll game we played) Answer

4 100 France & Great Britain

5 Belgian colony in Africa where millions suffered from colonial abuse
200 Belgian colony in Africa where millions suffered from colonial abuse Answer

6 200 The Congo

7 300 The only African nation to resist imperialism (the Italians lost to them). Answer

8 300 Ethiopia

9 Meeting in which the European powers decided how to “carve up” Africa
400 Meeting in which the European powers decided how to “carve up” Africa Answer

10 400 Berlin Conference

11 500 British politician and businessman who had a country in Africa named after him Answer

12 500 Cecil Rhodes

13 100 Groups of people in the same profession who join together and advocate for their rights Answer

14 100 Labor union

15 200 Economic system where the factors of production are owned by the community Answer

16 200 communism

17 300 Author of “The Wealth of Nations” and considered to be the “father of Capitalism” Answer

18 300 Adam Smith

19 This phrase translates to “let do” or “let people do as they please”
400 This phrase translates to “let do” or “let people do as they please” Answer

20 400 Laissez faire

21 500 The term Karl Marx uses to describe the middle class that oppresses the masses (proletariat) Answer

22 500 Bourgeosie

23 100 The product Europeans introduced to China that finally opened the country up to foreigners Answer

24 100 Opium

25 200 Violent uprisings following the Opium Wars that resulted in the deaths of millions of Chinese, but a surge in Chinese nationalism. Answer

26 200 Taipeng/Boxer Rebellions

27 Policy in which China freely allowed foreigners into their country
300 Policy in which China freely allowed foreigners into their country Answer

28 300 Open Door Policy

29 400 An area within a country where another country has the power to control and direct things the way that they want Answer

30 400 Sphere of Influence

31 500 Chinese Muslim admiral who led many sea voyages for China prior to the country going into isolation Answer

32 500 Zheng He

33 100 The rulers of Japan for hundreds of years prior to the age of imperialism Answer

34 100 Shoguns

35 200 Agreement between the U.S. and Japan that opened up Japan’s borders to trade Answer

36 200 Treaty of Kanagawa

37 300 T/F After Japan became more industrialized, they too began to engage in imperialism Answer

38 300 Truuu

39 400 T/F During the Meiji Era, normal citizens had more say in the decision-making of the country. Answer

40 400 Truuu

41 500 The ruler after the shoguns, who helped modernize Japan and eventually led it to engage in imperialism. Answer

42 Emperor Meiji (Meiji Era)
500 Emperor Meiji (Meiji Era)

43 100 Refers to the increased production of machine-made goods that began in the 1700s Answer

44 Industrial Revolution
100 Industrial Revolution

45 The country the Industrial Revolution began in
200 The country the Industrial Revolution began in Answer

46 200 Britain/England

47 300 - Daily Double Daily Double

48 An individual who takes on all the risks of starting a new business.
400 An individual who takes on all the risks of starting a new business. Answer

49 400 Entrepreneur

50 500 During the Urban Game, what event in the mid-1800s led to a huge increase in population in your town (as well as England overall and the United States?) Answer

51 500 Irish potato famine

52 What is this an example of?
Final Jeopardy Music Final Jeopardy Billy invaded and conquered Timmy’s tree house because Timmy’s tree house was strategically located next to Taco Bell. What is this an example of? Answer

53 Answer Final Jeopardy Geopolitics (an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products)

54 The Revolution began in this industry
Daily Double The Revolution began in this industry Answer

55 Answer Daily Double Textiles/Clothing

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