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impulsive and unpredictable; subject to whim

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Presentation on theme: "impulsive and unpredictable; subject to whim"— Presentation transcript:

1 impulsive and unpredictable; subject to whim
capricious ADJECTIVE impulsive and unpredictable; subject to whim

2 cloister VERB To seclude or shut up in

3 lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference
disparity NOUN lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference

4 capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness
efficacy NOUN capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness

5 a letter, esp. a formal or didactic one
epistle NOUN a letter, esp. a formal or didactic one

6 idiosyncrasy NOUN a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual; a distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic

7 a moving force; impulse; stimulus
impetus NOUN a moving force; impulse; stimulus

8 moribund ADJECTIVE in a dying state; near death; on the verge of extinction or termination

9 reticent ADJECTIVE disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reluctant , reserved, or restrained

10 to waver in mind or opinion; to be indecisive or irresolute
vacillate VERB to waver in mind or opinion; to be indecisive or irresolute

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