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Bell Work Week 26 Pick a science word and write the definition.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Week 26 Pick a science word and write the definition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Week 26 Pick a science word and write the definition.
Chapter 5 Check calendar and student vue!

2 Title of notes: Metamorphic rock pg. 16 & 17 RS

3 I’ll know I’ve got it when…
Learning target I can describe a Metamorphic rock. Today I am… analyzing the formation and physical properties of Metamorphic rocks. So that I’ll be able to… understand how they are classified. I’ll know I’ve got it when… I can describe the formation and physical properties.

4 The word metamorphic comes from: meta = changed morphos = shape
Metamorphic Rocks The word metamorphic comes from: meta = changed morphos = shape

5 They are formed from heat and pressure.
How are they formed? They are formed from heat and pressure.

6 Metamorphism occurs at ranges from 50°C to 1000°C If the temperature gets any hotter the rock with melt

7 Increased pressure that can lead to metamorphic change usually happens at depths of 2 km or greater.

8 Where does the heat come from. The heat comes from magma
Where does the heat come from? The heat comes from magma. Where does the pressure come from? The pressure comes from layers of rock and colliding/separating tectonic plates.

9 A rock will come into contact with magma.
Contact Metamorphism A rock will come into contact with magma.

10 Regional Metamorphism
enormous pressure builds up in rock that is deeply buried under other rock formations Or Large pieces of the earth’s crust collide with each other

11 Composition: Metamorphic Rock
The original minerals in the rock change into new minerals.

12 Foliated Metamorphic Rocks
Texture: Metamorphic Rock Foliated Metamorphic Rocks FOLIATED metamorphic rocks are those in which the minerals have been flattened and pushed down into parallel layers. The bands in foliated metamorphic rock look like pages in a book. Examples of foliated rocks are slate, shale, and gneiss.

13 Non-foliated NON-FOLIATED metamorphic rocks do not display layers. Rather, they are massive structures with no obvious banding. The mineral grains grow and rearrange, but they don’t form layers. A good example of non-foliated rock is quartzite, the smooth-textured, metamorphosed form of the mineral quartz. A coarse-textured non-foliated rock is marble. Anthracite, or hard coal, is a non-foliated rock that forms when intense pressure drives gases out of soft coal, causing it to harden.

14 Bell Work Week 26 Pick a science word and write the definition.
Chapter 5 Check calendar and student vue!

15 Video Metamorphic rock

16 Foldable activity Create a foldable for the 3 types of rocks
Describe how they are formed Describe each sub-type for the rock Draw a diagram with labels of how the rock is formed

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