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The Hero Myth Structure

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1 The Hero Myth Structure


3 The MonoMyth Joseph Campbell studied myths from around the world
He discovered that all heroes followed the same adventure He called this the MonoMyth He believed all stories every told were a version of the monomyth We will look at some heroes based on this structure We will focus on the key elements of the strucuter

4 The Hero’s Journey 1. Starts with the Status Quo: the person is living a regular existance 2. Call to Adventure: The hero receives a challenge that will require him to leave home 3. Assistance: Help from an unforeseen, older and wiser source. Could be supernatural

5 The Hero’s Journey 4. Departure: Leaves home. Crosses the threshold into the special land 5. Trials: Hero faces obstacles or challenges Approach: The hero faces his biggest challenge- his biggest fear Crisis: Faces death. Hero may die only to be reborn again

6 The Hero’s Journey 8. Treasure: As result of overcoming obstacles he gains special power or recognition. 9. Result: This varies from each story 10. Return: He goes back home 11. New Life: The Hero has changed 12. Resolution: The lose ends are tied up

7 Percy Jackson As you watch Percy Jackson, complete the worksheet on the hero Structure.

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