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Points of View The vantage point from which an author presents a story. (through whose eyes are the events of the story seen?)

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Presentation on theme: "Points of View The vantage point from which an author presents a story. (through whose eyes are the events of the story seen?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Points of View The vantage point from which an author presents a story. (through whose eyes are the events of the story seen?)

2 OMNISCIENT All knowing
The story teller sees, hears, and knows everything EACH CHARACTER see, hears, thinks, and feels. The narrator may even comment on the actions and meanings in the story.

The story teller sees and hears everything through ONE OF THE CHARACTERS in the story. It may be a major or minor character. The teller DOES NOT KNOW the other characters’ thoughts or feelings.

4 NARRATION 1st PERSON The story is told through the eyes of one character. He or she may share thoughts and feelings but can only SPECULATE the thoughts and feelings of other characters. HINT: Narration uses “I”

5 OBJECTIVE 3rd PERSON The teller is like a roaming video camera.
NOT A CHARACTER IN THE STORY, but an invisible bystander. He/she can only report what is seen and heard. The reader is left to speculate what the characters think and feel, based on the action.

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