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Kennedy’s “New Frontier”

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1 Kennedy’s “New Frontier”

2 Kennedy’s Style Charismatic leader
Projected a sense of youth and vitality, even when he had many health issues “The Best and the Brightest” “New Frontier”: focus on economy, education, civil rights, and healthcare

3 New Frontier We stand today on the edge of a New Frontier -— the frontier of the 1960's, the frontier of unknown opportunities and perils, the frontier of unfilled hopes and unfilled threats. ... Beyond that frontier are uncharted areas of science and space, unsolved problems of peace and war, unconquered problems of ignorance and prejudice, unanswered questions of poverty and surplus

4 New Frontier (cont.) JFK’s first problem is a Republican Congress
Progress on many fronts Infrastructure projects: roads, hospitals, ,libraries, etc Aid to cities for housing & transportation programs Unemployment benefits expanded Water pollution controls Anti-poverty programs for cities and rural areas Social Security expanded; min. wage increased Many programs to help farmers Accomplished more than anyone except FDR in first 2 years, and without a legislative majority

5 Domestic Policy Need to focus on US after Cuba situations
President’s Commission on the Status of Women Equal Pay Act Economy had started to slow React by spending (John Maynard Keynes) Tax breaks for business, increased military spending Big middle class tax cuts, increase of wealthy Sound familiar?

6 The Space Race US as seen as trailing the USR technologically
Kennedy wanted a new focus and quick results Send a message to the Soviets and the American people

7 Assassination Nov. 22, 1963 Dallas Lee Harvey Oswald

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