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Remember a hypothesis is an educated guess that predicts the outcome of something like an experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "Remember a hypothesis is an educated guess that predicts the outcome of something like an experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hypothesis, Personal Theories, Scientific Theories, and Scientific Laws

2 Remember a hypothesis is an educated guess that predicts the outcome of something like an experiment.

3 Thought Question 1. What is a personal theory?
A personal theory is a guess or idea about something based on personal experience and personal opinion.

4 What is a scientific theory?
A scientific theory explains something in nature and is supported by empirical evidence, most scientists agree with it, and has not yet been proven wrong.

5 Watch the video segment.
What does the Theory of Plate tectonics tell us? Why is it considered a theory?

6 What is a scientific law?
A scientific law describes: something that happen in nature, it is based on empirical evidence, it has not been proven wrong, and it may have math to back it up.

7 Watch the video. What does the Law of Universal Gravitation tell us? ` Why is it a law and not a theory?

8 Explain how personal theories and scientific theories are different.

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