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A blueprint for experiment success.

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Presentation on theme: "A blueprint for experiment success."— Presentation transcript:

1 A blueprint for experiment success.
Scientific Process A blueprint for experiment success.

2 What is the scientific process?
It is a simple process scientists use to conduct an investigation. It is a way to ask & answer scientific questions by asking questions & conducting experiments.

3 I. Question/Problem Ask a question about something observed.
Why? How? What? Questions begin a scientific investigation. Must be about something measurable.

4 Prediction/Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a tentative explanation for an observation or a scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation Use If, then statements If ____ [I do this], then _____ [this will happen] A prediction is an expectation of what will be observed or what will happen and can be used to test an hypothesis

5 Background Information/ Research/ Literature Review
When beginning an inquiry, scientists find out what is already known about a question. They study results from other scientific investigations, read journals, and talk with other scientists.

6 Procedure/Materials An experiment is an organized procedure during which all factors but the one being studied are controlled. In order for results to be valid, conduct several tests. Materials are a list of all the items needed to perform the procedure.

7 Data Collection Record your data in a data table.
Data tables are useful for recording and communicating scientific data.

8 IV. Data Analysis Analyzing data involves looking at the evidence gathered through observations or experiments and trying to identify any patterns that might exist in the data. Create graphs to show relationship between data.

9 Conclusions/Reflections/Retests/Expansion:
Summary of your experiment. After your experiment, analyze your data to see if your hypothesis was accepted or rejected. If hypothesis is rejected, give possible reasons for the difference between your hypothesis and the experimental results.

10 Communication Scientists read and publish in journals and attend conferences to communicate with other scientists around the world. Sharing data and procedures gives them a way to test one another’s results They share results with the public through newspapers, television and other media.

11 3 types of variables Independent variable
What is tested by the scientist What is changed by the scientist Dependent variable What is observed What is measured The effect caused by the independent variable. The data Controlled Things that could change but don’t Kept constant (the same) by scientists These allow for a fair test.

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