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Sexual Harassment Chapter 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Harassment Chapter 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Harassment Chapter 11

2 Who do you feel comfortable with?
Parents Boss Teacher Doctor 이영자

3 Would you ever… Date a superior of you?
Approve of others dating a superior? Report sexual harassment?

4 What is sexual harassment?
Sexual Harassment – when someone receives unwanted sexual advances from another person Where does sexual harassment happen? Office School Friends/family

5 Naomi’s Dilemma pg. 50

6 How should Naomi react? What does her boss want? Is Naomi understanding what her boss wants correctly? Is it wrong to date your boss? What does it mean to ask someone out for dinner?

7 What are the pros/cons of dating your boss?
Are there advantages to dating your boss? Are there disadvantages to dating your boss? In groups, consider the implications of dating your boss. Create a list of pros and cons

8 How do you deal with a bad boss?
What can you do if you have a bad boss? Would your responses change if the boss was male or female? What about if your boss was young or old? Is it beneficial to report the boss or just stay quiet?

9 Sexual Harassment Did Naomi experience this? Do you think that sexual harassment is an issue in the Korean workplace?

10 Is it sexual harassment?
On page 53, select a scenario Answer the following questions: Is this sexual harassment? Why or why not? What should Mariko/Shen do? How will it help Mariko/Shen solve the problem?

11 #metoo movement What is the #MeToo movement? How did it begin?
How big is the movement in Korea? Does Korea have a sexual harassment problem? What should Korea do to fix this issue? Government Companies Culture

12 Mid-Term Information The student will give a 5-7 minute presentation of his/her topic and opinion. The student must use persuasi ve and detailed ideas to support the claim. The student must cite at least five sources at the point of final pr esentation. The student should have an introduction, at least five points and body, and conclusion in their re marks. The students should be able to answer the questions from the professor and class after the presenta tion. Students should also ask at least one question during another student’s presentation. 5-7 minutes Persuasive and detailed ideas Have five sources that will be given to the teacher at presentation (bibliography) Introduction, body, and conclusion are mandatory Must know about the subject to answer questions

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