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James Monroe ( ) Presidency Overview

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1 James Monroe (1816-1824) Presidency Overview

2 “Era of Good Feelings” Renewed patriotism and pride following War of 1812 Continued Republican domination Rigorous economic reform

3 “Era of Good Feelings” Cultural Nationalism Economic Nationalism
Patriotic themes infused every aspect of American society from books and paintings of Revolutionary heroes to Noah Webster’s blue-backed speller that promoted patriotism Economic Nationalism Running parallel with cultural nationalism was a political movement to support the growth of the nation’s economy……. AMERICAN SYSTEM Political Nationalism Movement to bring about the support for national government’s supremacy over the states. Supreme court decisions support the concept of national government over the states.

4 Tariffs, Transportation
Second Bank of the United States Tariff of 1816 – protective tariff Federal internal improvement plan Road and canal construction

5 Transportation Revolution
Erie Canal National Road Steamboat – Robert Fulton Railroad – Peter Cooper

6 Westward Expansion Florida Becomes Part of US
After War of 1812, Spain had difficulty governing Florida Seminole Indians, runaway slaves, and white outlaws would conduct raids and then retreat to safety across the Florida border President Monroe commissioned General Andrew Jackson to stop the raiders Jackson led a force into Florida, destroyed Seminole villages, and hanged 2 Seminole chiefs Jackson captured Pensacola and drove out the Spanish governor

7 Jackson’s Romp Initial attacks on Seminoles, slaves, Creeks
Jackson pushes on to Spanish territory John Quincy Adams (Sec. of War) negotiation

8 Adams-Onis Treaty Adams-Onis Treaty (1818) Spain: US agreed
Turned over western Florida along with all to the east Gave up claims in the Oregon Territory to the U.S. US agreed to pay $5 million to Spain to give up any territorial claims to Texas

9 Rush-Bagot 1818

10 Monroe Doctrine N. America off-limits to Europe
Bold act would require back up Avoided foreign entanglements in western hemisphere

11 Western Hemisphere or the Americas.

12 Spain losing power. New Latin American countries were formed from successful revolutions.

13 No European country tried to intercede in the Americas following the Monroe Doctrine, so it appeared to work. In reality, no one was afraid of the American military; Spain, France and others stayed out of the Western Hemisphere because the powerful British navy made sure they did.

14 PowerPoint Quiz 1. Why was Monroe’s Presidency known as the “Era of Good Feelings?” 2. In what ways did transportation change during his Presidency? 3. What is the Monroe Doctrine, and how does it affect other countries?

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