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Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.6 English 2, Grade 10.

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1 Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.6 English 2, Grade 10

2 Word Wall Harangue A lengthy, aggressive speech Syn: speech
Ant: silence

3 1. Intrepid (adj.) Without fear; brave
Carolyn was incredibly intrepid when it came to racing cars!

4 2. Ambivalent (adj.) Having opposite attitudes of feelings toward a person, thing or idea; unable to decide I love my friend Carlos, but he’s just so ambivalent when it comes to making plans!

5 3. Duplicity (n.) Intentional deceit in speech or conduct
Even though she looked sincere, I couldn’t help but notice the duplicity in her story.

6 4. Exhort (v.) To urge on with passionate, inspiring words
The priest planned to exhort the congregation to abstain from alcohol

7 5. Humility (n.) Absence of vanity; modesty; humbleness
When receiving a compliment, it is considered good manners to accept it with humility.

8 Root Words Alt Meaning “high” Alto Altitude Ad
Meaning “toward” or “to” Address Addition

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