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Vocabulary Unit 7.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 7

2 maverick (MAV uh rik) Noun Independent person
Individualist, independent thinker, nonconformist

3 esoteric (es uh TER ik) Adjective
Known or understood only by a select few Synonyms: secret, mysterious, difficult, deep, profound, abstruse

4 undermine (un der MINE)
Verb Weaken gradually; injure or destroy secretly or underhandedly; dig beneath or wear away from under Synonyms: weaken, disable, cripple, undercut, sabotage

5 alleviate (uh LEE vee ate)
Verb Relieve; lessen or make more bearable (pain, evil, suffering) Synonyms: ease, lighten, reduce, mitigate

6 bacchanal, bacchanalia (bak uh NAL) (bak uh NAIL yuh)
Noun Wild, drunken party Synonyms: party, feast, merrymaking, overindulgence, spree, orgy

7 hedonist (HEE doh nist)
Noun One who lives only for pleasure Synonyms: pleasure seeker, playboy, playgirl, jet-setter, sybarite

8 nihilist (NY uh list, NEE uh list)
Noun One who rejects all religious, moral, and traditional values, practices, and institutions Synonyms: doubter, disbeliever, pessimist, revolutionary, rebel, anarchist

9 somnolent (SOM nuh lunt)
Adjective Sleepy, drowsy; causing sleep Synonyms: sleepy, drowsy, lulling, slumberous, soporific

10 diatribe (DY uh tribe) Noun Violent, angry, bitter attack in words
Synonyms: verbal abuse, denunciation, tirade

11 tribulation (trib yuh LAY shun)
Noun Great suffering, misery, or distress Synonyms: ordeal, trouble, sorrow, hardship, affliction

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