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High Renaissance 1490-1550 Lidia Castillo.

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Presentation on theme: "High Renaissance 1490-1550 Lidia Castillo."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Renaissance Lidia Castillo

2 Mona Lisa Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci When: 1503-1505
Where: louvre, paris Medium: oil on wood Why: francesco del giocondo paid leonardo da vinci to paint a portrait of his wife but the painting was never given to him

3 Last supper Artist: leonardo da vinci When: 1495-1498
Where: milan, italy medium: oil and tempera on plaster Why: the duke of milan paid leonardo to paint this to give visible expression to his position

4 Creation of adam Artist: michelangelo When: 1508-1512
Where: sistine chapel Medium: fresco Why: to show a representation of the moment when god gives life to adam

5 School of athens Artist: raphael When: 1509-1511
Where: vatican palace, rome Medium: fresco Why: wanted to depict philosophy as one of the four branches of knowledge

6 Ceiling of Sistine chapel
Artist: michelangelo When: Where: vatican city, italy Medium: fresco Why: Pope julius II hired michelangelo to paint the ceiling because he didn't want it to look plain

7 Thank You!

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