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Population pyramids Dependency Ratio High Dependency Load

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1 Population pyramids Dependency Ratio High Dependency Load
Population Profiles Population pyramids Dependency Ratio High Dependency Load

2 Population Pyramids A graph with a series of horizontal bar graphs for male and female populations placed back to back at age intervals of 5 years Reveals the age and gender structure of the population and can provide powerful insight into types of government services that are and will be needed in a region or country Useful to compare population structures of countries


4 Early Expanding High Birth and death rates Short life expectancy Developing country

5 Expanding Rapid Increase in population High birth rate
Lowering death rate Longer life expectancy Developing country

6 Stable Stable or slowing population increases
Declining birth and death rate More elderly Developed country

7 Declining Extremely low birth and death rate High dependency ratio
Longer life expectancy Developed country

8 Age Structure of the Population
Demographers divide the population into 3 age cohorts Children 0-15 Working people 15-64 Adults 65 and older This gives the dependency ratio which is the proportion that is being supported by the working age group Formula % of population that is Children plus % of population that is elderly divided by % of the population that is working age time 100

9 High Dependency Load Dependency load is the percentage of a population that is younger than 15 and older than 65 Children and elderly put pressure on society for medical, educational, housing, and other services 2010 Canada has a dependency load of 31.4% - 17.7% children and 13.7% elderly

10 Dependency Load: A Problematic Future
Developed Countries Developing Countries Low death and low birth rate means there is a large aging population that will need to be supported by a small working age cohort Japan 1/3 of the population is over 65 with an extremely low birth rate for many years Some developing countries have young dependents under age 15 making up almost half the population Limited resources and attempts to improve development are used up caring for young children Hard to reduce birth rate due to lack of medical srvices Need to provide employment

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