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Warm-Up: Take the full sheet of paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Take the full sheet of paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Take the full sheet of paper.
Complete JUST PART 1 on the paper. Place any homework on your desk. Smelly Cat Luey Rudy Horatio

2 Explicit Selflessness Nobility Dimension

3 Part 3: 1. Which word would most likely be used when describing a rocket ship? ________________________ 2. Which word would most likely be used when describing a sleeping baby? ____________________________ Why? ____________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. Why would you want someone to consider you nobility? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 4. If you got a dog and HAD to name it one of the four words, which word would you choose and why? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

4 Agenda (Grade 6): Warm-Up: Word Study: Tic-Tac-Toe Vocabulary Rewards/ Collect homework Mini-Lesson: Central Idea Students: Complete blue sheet correctly Discuss the blue sheet Answer the multiple choice question Share words for the word finder sheet. Groups of four. Students must pick five words and use context clues to determine their meanings- Write words and definitions on construction paper. Fluency Check Short and Long-Vowel sound sheet

5 Agenda (Grades 7 and 8): Warm-Up: Word Study: Tic-Tac-Toe Vocabulary (from salmon sheet) (10) Mini-Lesson: Central Idea (5) Answer the multiple choice question (5) Share words for the word finder sheet. Groups of four. Students must pick five words and use context clues to determine their meanings- Write words and definitions on construction paper. Stamps to group that defines most words correctly. (30) Fluency Check (10) Short and Long-Vowel sound sheet (15) Vocabulary Balloon Game if time permits

6 Central Idea

7 7 Although we can’t carry Captain America’s shield around with us, it is possible to adopt his attitude. We can take on an air of confidence. We can speak up for justice for all. We can look at bullying as a challenge to be overcome. You can change the course of your path if you experience bullying. Remember that Captain America does not fight alone. He is often supported by a group known as the Avengers. Finding the support needed to defeat bullying can make all the difference. Central Idea: Bullying can be overcome with the help of others and by developing your own confidence. Which two of the following details do NOT support the central idea of the paragraph? Changing your life is incredibly important. Captain America is supported by people known as the Avengers. Captain America does not fight alone. Finding the support needed to defeat bullying can help you overcome it. We can take on an air of confidence in order to overcome bullying.

8 Share words for the word finder sheet. Groups of four
Share words for the word finder sheet. Groups of four. Students must pick five words and use context clues to determine their meanings- Write words and definitions on construction paper.

9 Fluency Check Long Vowel- Short Vowel Sound

10 Tuesday and Wednesday: Achieve 3000 days

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