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Geometry/Trig 2 Name: ____________________________________

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1 Geometry/Trig 2 Name: ____________________________________
Rectangular Prism Notes Date: ____________________________________ Rectangular Prism: _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Surface Area (Total Area): ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Lateral Area: ___________________________________________________________ How do we find Surface Area (Total Area)? Example 1 Find the area of each face: Front: ____________ Back: ____________ Top: _____________ Bottom: __________ Left Side: ________ Right Side: _______ Total: ___________ How do you find the Lateral Area? _________________________________________ Formula for the Lateral Area: _______________________________________________ Formula for the Total Area of a Rectangular Prism: _______________________________ Example 2 Find the lateral area: ________________ Find the surface area: _______________ Example 3 Find the total area: _______________

2 Geometry/Trig 2 Rectangular Prism Notes
Volume: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Formula for Volume of a Rectangular Prism: ___________________________________ Revisit Example 1: L = _____ W = ______ H = _______ Volume: __________ Example 2: Find the Lateral Area, Surface Area, and Volume of the rectangular prism. Lateral Area: ______________ Surface Area: __________ Volume: _______________ Find the lateral area, surface area, and volume of each rectangular prism. L = 4cm W = 3cm H = 2cm LA = ______ SA = _______ V = _______ 2. L = 5m W = 3m H = 3m LA = ______ SA = _______ V = _______ H W L 3. L = 5ft W = 4ft H = 3ft LA = ______ SA = _______ V = _______ 4. L = 7in W = 2in H = 4in LA = ______ SA = _______ V = _______ 5. L = 3mm W = 2mm H = 6mm LA = ______ SA = _______ V = _______ 6. L = 3km W = 3km H = 3km LA = ______ SA = _______ V = _______ 7. L = 4cm W = 4cm H = 4cm LA = ______ SA = _______ V = _______

3 Geometry/Trig 2 Name: ____________________________________
Other Right Prisms - Notes Date: ____________________________________ Volume (V) = Bh Lateral Area (L.A) = ph Surface Area (S.A or T.A) = LA + 2b Perimeter (p) height (h) Area of Base (B) Example 1: Find the Lateral Area, Surface Area and Volume of the Triangular Right Prism. 12m This is the base of the figure. 8m 7m 12m 12m 4m 8m 7m Area of the Base: _______________ Volume: ________________ Perimeter of the Base: _____________ Height: ___________________ Lateral Area: Surface Area:

4 Geometry/Trig 2 Name: ____________________________________
Unit 9, Worksheet 2 Date: ____________________________________ Find the Volume, Lateral Area, and Total Area of each figure. Figure Volume Area 1. Lateral Area: 42m Total Area: 36m 12m 18m 24m 42m 2. Lateral Area: 100m Total Area: 42m 24m 20m 28m 18m 3. Lateral Area: 100m Total Area: 75m 70m

5 Geometry/Trig 2 Name: ____________________________________
Unit 9, Worksheet 2 – page 2 Date: ____________________________________ Find the Volume, Lateral Area, and Total Area of each figure. Figure Volume Area 4. Lateral Area: 60m 16m 40m Total Area: 24m 28m 5. Lateral Area: 218m B = 117m2 Total Area: 6. Lateral Area: 70m Total Area: 20m 24m 22m 28m 50m

6 Geometry/Trig 2 Name: ____________________________________
Unit 9, Worksheet 3 – page 1 Date: ____________________________________ Find the Volume, Lateral Area, and Total Area of each figure. Figure Volume Area 1. 10m Lateral Area: 6m 5m 7.5m 12.5m Total Area: 2. 4in Lateral Area: 16in Total Area: Base is a square. 3. Lateral Area: 30m 50m 60m Total Area: 30m 25m 70m

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