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The quetzal is the national bird of

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Presentation on theme: "The quetzal is the national bird of"— Presentation transcript:

1 The quetzal is the national bird of
what country? Canada Guatemala Mexico

2 23 - 11 2 1 The most fish I ever caught in one day
in the past was 11. I caught 23 fish on Sunday. How many more fish did I catch on Sunday than in the past? 23 - 11 2 1

3 Guatemala

4 What is the state bird of Florida? quail mockingbird duck
answer The mockingbird is a unique bird. It mocks, imitates, or copies the sounds of other birds.

5 10 5 2 This is the state quarter of Florida.
How many nickels in one quarter? 10 5 2

6 These nickels are very old and rare. That means you
do not see them frequently or very often. $625. 1895 1867 1906 1872 < < < 1872 1895 1906 1867

7 Wh i ch 12 to 18 inches long up to 60 feet long
one is a true fact about the squid? has no bones is carnivorous is an invertebrate yes yes yes

8 horse zebra donkey The quagga (kwă-gə) is an extinct animal
that lived in Southern Africa. The last one died on August 12, What does quagga mean? It is a Khoikhoi (coy coy) word. horse zebra donkey

9 The Khoikhoi are people who live in
South Africa. Africa is a continent made up of many countries.

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