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Vocabulary GROUP 15 Pre-AP Blocks 2 and 8

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1 Vocabulary GROUP 15 Pre-AP Blocks 2 and 8
Take 3-column notes in the vocabulary section of your spiral.

2 Aloof adj. . Reserved or shy. Jenny was acting very aloof when
it was her turn to speak to the class.

3 attribute A quality or characteristic When I was in the sixth grade,
I had very good and positive attributes. For Instance, I was always kind and helpful to others.

4 exotic Strange or different in appearance. Wow! What an exotic flower!

5 homage Something given in acknowledgement or out of respect.
My neighbors paid me homage with a gift card for my help with mowing their lawn and picking up their mail when they were out of town.

6 irrelevant Not of importance, not relevant.
“Hey,” said Dillon. “Want to go to the park?” “Sure!” replied Luke. “I’m a natural artist!” “But Luke, what does art have to do with the park? That’s totally irrelevant,” stated Dillon.

7 mottled Blotched or spotted in coloring.
My mother’s dress was mottled with stains. It’s really disgusting.

8 subtle Fine or delicate in meaning or intent.
Wow. His words are so convincing and subtle, I might just hire him for the new sales position.

9 precise Exact, sharp, on the ball.
His careful movements were so precise, I knew he wouldn’t cut himself.

10 sleek Smooth and glossy.
Those stones down there are so sleek, so glossy. Wow!

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