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Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells

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1 Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells
April 18th and 19th, 2016

2 Difference in Cells Cells fall into two broad categories, depending on whether they contain a nucleus or not. The nucleus is a large membrane-enclosed structure that contains the cell’s genetic material in the form of DNA. The nucleus controls many of the cell’s activities. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus.

3 Wording So many scientific terms contain Greek or Latin roots.
Karyon- means “kernel” or nucleus. Eu- means “true”. Pro- means “before”. This wording conveys the idea that prokaryotic cells evolved before nuclei developed.

4 Prokaryotes Generally smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells.
They have genetic material that is not contained in the nucleus. The major example we can identify with is bacteria.

5 Eukaryotes Generally larger and more complex than prokaryotic cells.
Contain a nucleus in which their genetic material is separated from the rest of the cell.

6 Comparison

7 Cell membrane Cytoplasm Golgi bodies Lysosomes
Mitochondria Nucleus Nucleolus Ribosome Rough ER Smooth ER Vacuole Cell wall Chloroplast Central vacuole

8 Follow cell structure

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