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The Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Program (MAP) and TB

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1 The Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Program (MAP) and TB
Keith Hansen AIDS Campaign Team for Africa The World Bank

2 Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Program (MAP) for Africa
US$1 billion to scale up existing activities Multisectoral, multi-stakeholder, multi-partner First phase of a long-term effort in Africa Part of UNAIDS and IPAA partnerships Moving quickly: 15 countries for US$517 million; 12 more in preparation (Soon) Subregional/cross-border projects

3 MAP Goal and Objectives
Intensify action in as many countries as possible Objectives Scale up activity along full continuum of care Mitigate impact in all sectors Strengthen the architecture and plumbing of implementation, via learning-by-doing

4 Typical MAP Components
Capacity building for government and civil society Expansion of responses in the public sector Emergency HIV/AIDS Fund to channel grants to community organizations, NGOs, and private sector: 50% of resources in most countries Project coordination, management, and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms

5 Typical MAP flow of funds

6 Status of TB in MAPs MAP2 highlighted TB as priority
Most obvious “quick win” But too little use of MAP on policy side Competition from: gender, PMTCT, education, RH, adolescents, orphans, the private sector, blood safety, transport sector, military, inter alia

7 How to make headway Get TB on policy, not just technical, agenda
Some national TB programs have never met with counterparts in HIV/AIDS program AIDS thinks TB is well-resourced TB program must prove its importance, its need, and its value as a good model Work with NACs and MOHs

8 Opportunities TB as most important OI for action
TB a source of lessons/tools for AIDS DOTS framework for ART delivery TB control data as precursor to AIDS coverage Lessons of delivery, monitoring, adherence Active case finding where there is VCT Build joint technical support teams

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