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FAQ’s Evolution.

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Presentation on theme: "FAQ’s Evolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAQ’s Evolution

2 Punctuated Equilibrium/Gradulism

3 How Evolution works: Need natural variation among organisms
This variation originally came from a mutation Some variations are better at surviving Those organisms have more offspring with the beneficial traits/adaptations Eventually whole population shows that variation/the allele for that trait is very common

4 Selective Breeding/Inbreeding
When humans chose who gets to mate Good because can amplify desirable traits Ex: large fruit Bad: Unforeseen side effects Purebred dog problems

5 To be a species: You MUST be able to reproduce and produce VIABLE FERTILE OFFSPRING Looking similar is not good enough

6 Speciation-making a new species
Being a species= can reproduce Therefore, in order to become two diff species, can’t reproduce anymore Reproductive isolation Temporal (reproduce at different times) Geographic (can’t get to each other) Behavioral (different courtship rituals)

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