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The decision making process Economics is a series of choices

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Presentation on theme: "The decision making process Economics is a series of choices"— Presentation transcript:

1 The decision making process Economics is a series of choices

2 Buyer Decision Process
Every time a consumer makes a purchase, they go through a version of the decision-making process. It changes depending on: Frequency of purchase Amount of investment Familiarity with product

3 How would you go about buying . . . . A loaf of bread? A Car?
With a Partner discuss . . . How would you go about buying A loaf of bread? A Car?

4 Economic Decision Making
the science of decision making … the study of choice… ‘Economics’ evaluates relative cost benefits of each alternative

5 Decision making weighs the costs and benefits of alternatives
identifies the real or opportunity costs of a decision

6 Buyer Decision Process

7 Buyer Decision Process
IDENTIFY THE CHOICES What are your alternatives?

8 Step Reduce feelings of uncertainty by acquiring
IDENTIFY THE CHOICES What are your alternatives? Reduce feelings of uncertainty by acquiring information (lower perceived risks!) Advertisements Product Literature Salespeople Friends and Family Product trials Consumer Reports Social Media/Reviews

Buyer Decision Process EVALUATION OF ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES of Each Choice Lots of storage Performance Variety of colors Safety

10 Buyer Decision Process
MAKE A DECISION Purchase Decision and CHOOSE I’ll take that one.

11 Buyer Decision Process
REVIEW/EVALUATE YOUR DECISION- Consumers do a Post Purchase Evaluation Cognitive Dissonance Satisfaction or dissatisfaction Aim to DELIGHT

12 agenda Review Consumer Decision Making
Reminder: Assignment due tomorrow Team Activity: Metrocity Consumer Decision Making

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