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Ecology Review.

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1 Ecology Review

2 Chapter 52: Intro to Ecology Distribution

3 The Role of Abiotic Factors in the Formation of Land Biomes
Main defining abiotic factor is climate Long-term; involving temperature, precipitation, sunlight, & wind Macroclimate: patterns on the global, regional, or local level. Ex) winds, currents, mountains, water Microclimates: small-scale environmental variations. Ex) under a log

4 Turnover in Aquatic Biomes
Turnover is the mixing of lake water as a result of changing temperature profiles Occurs semiannually: fall and spring Brings oxygenated water from the lake’s surface to the bottom and nutrient-rich water from the bottom to the surface. Water is at its densest at 4°C!

5 Chapter 53: Population Ecology Population Characteristics
Population Density - # of individuals / unit of area Counts Sample size estimates Indirect indicators – droppings, nests, etc. Mark-recapture Increases with births/immigration and decreases with deaths/emigration Dispersion – pattern of spacing Clumped Uniform Random Demography – study of how populations change over time

6 Chapter 53: Population Ecology Growth Curves
Exponential growth – occurs under ideal conditions when resources are abundant Logistic growth – population growth slows as carrying capacity is reached Density-dependent limiting factors – factors that reduce birth rates or increase death rates as population density rises. Ex) competition, space, disease, predation Density-independent limiting factors – factors that don’t affect the birth/death rate as density increases. Ex) natural disasters

7 Chapter 54: Community Ecology Interspecific Competition
Occurs between different groups of species Can be +, -, or neutral (0) Competition (-/-) Predation (+/-) Symbiosis Mutualism (+/+) Commensalism (+/0) Parasitism (+/-)

8 Chapter 54: Community Ecology Keystone Species
Dominant species – most abundant Keystone species – not necessarily abundant but have a pivotal ecological role or niche Elimination of a keystone species could change the whole dynamic of the ecosystem

9 Chapter 54: Community Ecology Succession
Ecological succession - transition in species composition over ecological time Primary - begins in lifeless area; no soil, perhaps volcanic activity or retreating glacier Secondary - an existing community has been cleared by some disturbance that leaves the soil intact

10 Chapter 55: Ecosystems Energy Flow & Food Chains

11 Chapter 55: Ecosystems Food Webs

12 Chapter 55: Ecosystems Primary Productivity
Primary production – the amount of light energy converted into chemical energy by autotrophs Provides and energy budget for the ecosystem – only what is made can be used Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) – Total of all chemical energy made, but not all is available to consumers (plants need energy too) Net Primary Production (NPP) = GPP – energy used for cellular respiration by producer (R) NPP = GPP – R In many ecosystems, NPP is about ½ of GPP!

13 Chapter 55: Ecosystems Energy Pyramids
10% Rule

14 Chapter 55 & 56: Ecosystems & Conservation Human Interference
Acid rain Biological magnification Greenhouse effect vs. global warming Ozone layer destruction Threats to biodiversity Habitat loss Invasive species Overexploitation

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