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Marriage and the Family

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1 Marriage and the Family
The Purposes of marriage in Christianity

2 Main Facts Christians regard marriage as a gift from God, but they do not have to marry. The reasons for Christian marriage are: For a couple to be able to live together in love till death parts them For a couple to have comfort and companionship whatever happens For a couple to be faithful to each other For a couple to create a Christian family

3 The main features of a Christian marriage service
The priest welcoming the couple and outlining the purposes of Christian marriage Exchange of vows before God and witnesses Exchange of rings showing the marriage will not end Bible readings and talks on the duty of marriage Prayers of God’s blessing on the couple and the help of the Holy Spirit to make the marriage work

4 Key Facts Christian marriage is for a life-long, loving relationship and to bring up a Christian family. These purposes can be seen in the marriage service (life-long vows, Bible readings on love and Christian families).

5 GCSE practice: B/ Do you think sex before marriage is ok? Give two reasons for your opinion (4) D/”there is no need to get married to be in love” do you agree? give 3 reasons for your opinion. Give 3 reasons why someone else might disagree

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