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Writing a Newspaper Article

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1 Writing a Newspaper Article
Straight news articles are written in clear concise sentences. They focus on facts and develop their material around the 5 W’s and how: What happened, When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who was involved? Why did it happen? And how did it happen? Most, if not all, of these questions are answered in the lead (the first few paragraphs) in straight news. The rest of the article offers details, organized so the most important information comes first. This structure, called an inverted pyramid form, enables busy readers to gain the essential information quickly and allows editors to drop the final paragraphs if they run out of space. *This should be a factual reporting of the event. The reporter should refrain from offering his/her opinion(s) about the event. Muschla, Gary Robert. "Writing Straight News Articles." Writing Workshop Survival Kit. Second Edition ed. San Fransico: Jossey-Bass, Print.

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