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SPS LS2 Planning meeting (No.17) 06/02/19

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1 SPS LS2 Planning meeting (No.17) 06/02/19
David Mcfarlane EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

2 Presentations this week
Safety talk presentation. Radiation Safety – Flash info. Base de Chantier update. Transport Overview. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

3 Electrical Procedures
Mise hors tension partielle du SPS lors des YETS, EYETS et LS work Demande de « SEPARATION DU RESEAU » par le Facility coordinateur Released De-cabling – SPS5 lock-out procedure for De-Cabling during LS2 Released De-cabling – SPS3 lock-out procedure for De-Cabling during LS2 Released De-cabling – Identification, labelling and disconnection procedure for obsolete cables SPS1 and SPS3  during LS Released It is the responsibility of the Equipment owner to consign any equipment that they will be working on. Do not assume something is consigned. Check first. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

4 Separation du Reseau The “Separation du Reseau” for the SPS has now been done. At the moment TI2 and TI8 are NOT included in this. This is currently being worked on and will be added to the main SPS document shortly EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

5 Magnet Exchange Campaign
Replaced Removed EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

6 Safety aspects for activities (1)
Activity Group & Work site supervisor Location Status Echelles à cables EN/EL – K. PEDRO ECA5 VIC prévue le 10/12 – Fait Goulotte de sécurité en puits EN/EL – G. GUTIERREZ PMA3 VIC prévue le 10/12– Fait Equipements DI surface Fire Safety Project BE/ICS – D. RAFFOURT D. JOLIVET BA4 – BA5 Pose Caméras BE/ICS - P. GAVIGLIO BA2 Pré-VIC prévue le 10/12 - Fait Tuyauterie EG entre BA et BM EN/CV – A. AMAMOU BA6 – BA4 Pré - VIC prévue le 17/12 - Fait Station CV EN/CV – A. BROCHE BB3 VIC prévue le 08/01 - Fait Cablage – retrait cellules et racks EN/EL - G. GUTIERREZ VIC prévue le 09/01 - Fait Demontage pompe TA4 EN/CV – G. PALHERO BA4 VIC prévue le 11/01 - Fait Goulotte de sécurité tunnel BA6 VIC prévue le 14/01- Fait Emmanuel PAULAT - EN/ACE

7 Safety aspects for activities (2)
Activity Group & Work site supervisor Location Status EN/EL/FC Cabling campaign EN/EL – T. SLETTELSTOL BA6 VIC prévue le 14/01- Fait Dry riser EN/CV – W. VAN DENBROUCKE Point 1 VIC prévue le 14/01- Fait en deux fois Démolition sanitaire en tunnel SMB – A. MARTINEZ BA2 VIC prévue le 16/01- Fait Sprinkler Fire Safety Project BE/ICS - D. JOLIVET BA4 VIC prévue le 16/01- Fait partiellement VIC 2ème prévue le 28/01 - Fait Installation antenne WIFI IT/CS – M SOUAYAH BA3 VIC prévue le 17/01- Fait G. PALHEIRO Point 5 VIC prévue le 18/01- Fait Décablage EN/EL- G. KOTSALOS Point 3 VIC prévue le 21/01- Fait Installation de rail de manutention pompes EG EN/CV – B.BANNISTERE – J.LEHTINEN EN/EL – K. PEDRO VIC prévue le 22/01- Fait Création piquages EG BA5 Echafaudage CV EN/CV – A. BROCHE LSS3 VIC prévue le 23/01 - Fait Garde-corps groupes froids BB4 VIC prévue le 24/01 - Fait Modification échelles à câbles ECX5 VIC prévue le 25/01 - Fait Emmanuel PAULAT - EN/ACE

8 Safety aspects for activities (3)
Activity Group & Work site supervisor Location Status Travaux Ethernet Bas (excepté BA3) IT/CS – M. DA COSTA BAs VIC prévue le 28/01 - Fait Démontage clim salle de contrôle EN/CV – B.BANNISTERE BA7 VIC prévue le 29/01 - Fait Maintenance transformateurs TE/EPC – G. MCTAGUE BA3/BB3 VIC prévue le 30/01 - Fait Lignes coaxiales RF BE/RF – S. CALVO PMA3 – TA3 VIC prévue le 04/02 - Fait Retrait cellules 18kV EN/EL - G. GUTIERREZ BB3 Géomètres EN/SMM Point4 et TJ8 Câble alim écran EN/EL – T. CHARVET BAE3 VIC prévue le 05/02 - Fait Emmanuel PAULAT - EN/ACE

9 Lift & Monte-charge Maintenance February / March
EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

10 New Access systems at TAG41 / TT40
Unfortunately The access systems of TAG42 & TT40(ECX4) are connected. So we cannot isolate one without isolating the other. As a result both access systems are closed. If you require to access any of the areas on the other side of these doors, please contact me and we can arrange for a “gardien” to be present. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

11 New Access systems at TAG41 / TT40
The commissioning of the new entire TT40 (ex- ECX4) is planned for the end of May 2019… but the access point itself shall be operational by end of April. In the meantime we expect to put in service TAG42 & TAG41 (only the access points) by beginning of March. This means that users can use TAG41 and proceed through TAG42 to access. (whilst we carry on working on TT40) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

12 Planification remplacement roulement extraction tunnel TT60 - UUW1-00076
Hi David, We need to stop the TT60 extraction unit for one day, planned for the 26th February. Can you let us know if this is ok for you ? No effect on BA6, it’s only the TT60 and TT61 that are effected. Cheers, Jani As a result: TT61 will be closed on Tuesday the 26th February. TT60 can remain open as it supplied from other areas as well EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

13 New major event created: Evacuation SPS BA6 sextant 6-
Dear All, It was our team, while moving the plate, who triggered the alarm. The displacement of the alarm was presented at the last ICL and BE-ICS offered us two solutions (see attached). The foreman said that as soon as we unscrewed the plate, the alarm was triggered so probably there is a bad contact inside. In any case, the plate needs to be moved as we are finishing the works in BA6 and we need to complete the path for cabling. I will check tomorrow with BE-ICs to proceed again to avoid any other trip. Sorry for the inconvenience.  If you need further info, please let me know. Best Regards Gerardo EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

14 How to open the SPS planning
Click here * You will need the latest version of Microsoft Project installed on your computer EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

15 General Schedule

16 TI12 & TI18 BA6 TI12 will be opened and inspected by HSE and the FB on Friday the 15th February. Once we get the all clear from them we will allow access. If anyone needs to access these tunnels for any reason please let me know so that we can coordinate this. On the list so far: EN-EL (G.Gros) BE-OP (J. Ridewood) HSE (Richard Morton) EN-HE (Jean-Louis Grenard) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

17 SPS fire safety loop The current proposal from EN-CV given the LS2 works schedule for the SPS involves: SPS water loop not operational from 15/4/2019 to 30/4/2019 SPS water loop with no pressure (pumps off), water remains in the loop except for BA1 Hot-works are foreseen in BA3 and BA6 Sprinkler replacement is foreseen in BA6 at that moment All other BAs do not foresee hot works FB and HSE-OHS-XP strives to avoid impact in scheduled activities and to minimize compensatory measures while bearing an acceptable residual risk. Art Arnalich and Olivier Deschamps agree that the SPS water loop is ACCEPTABLE under the following conditions: Service down is restricted to 2 weeks (15/4/2019 to 30/4/2019) Hot works are only carried out in BA3 and BA6. A visit from a HSE fire expert and FB member is mandatory before starting the hot works to validate general fire safety conditions. Daily clearance from “superviseur chantier” is mandatory before starting hot works. Intensive presence of “superviseur chantier” before, during and after hot works. Sprinkler system is only dismantled in BA6. In BA3 and BA6, a 10m3 water tank is installed by FB at surface level close to the access shaft. In BA6, the conditions expressed by HSE to dismantle the sprinkler system are respected: hose layout in the stairs, extra extinguishers, trained crews, alarm means. In all shafts, FB tractors and trolleys with firefighting equipment are operational and located in the bottom of the shafts. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

18 Please fill out your IMPACTs correctly!!!!!
Correct intervention period: DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK!!!!!!! (LS2-SPS-2018/2020) Do not leave proposed schedule Blank!!!! I am not psychic!!! If you clone an IMPACT: Check the dates are correct Check the location is correct Check the description is correct (not just the title) Basically, CHECK EVERYTHING!!!! If you have already completed your IMPACT them please check that the dates in IMPACT match that of your planning and are also correct in the master schedule planning. If they are not then please contact me so that we can rectify the problem. IMPACTs should be for specific tasks and not just a general IMPACT valid from the start of the shutdown until the end Only write an IMPACT for upcoming works (within the next couple of months) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

19 SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 6th February 2019
In Work / New version: 9 Under Approval: 7 Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 6th February 2019

20 SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 6th February 2019
SPS-LJ-EC-0016 SPS-blm-ec-0003 SPS-K-EC-0001 SPS-LJ_EC-0005 Approved: 17 Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 6th February 2019

21 SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 6th February 2019
SPS-LJ-EC-0016 SPS-blm-ec-0003 SPS-K-EC-0001 SPS-LJ_EC-0005 Released: 20 Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 6th February 2019

22 SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 6th February 2019
SPS-LJ-EC-0016 SPS-blm-ec-0003 SPS-K-EC-0001 SPS-LJ_EC-0005 Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 6th February 2019

23 SRRs and ECRs: reminder
Tips All changes to the machine that will impact the beam shall be documented by SRRs/ECRs: SRR: Space Reservation Request (“light ECR”) ECR: Engineering Change Request Templates available on: To be sent to the SPS configuration manager: or EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

24 Group contact persons. (1)
Comments EN/EL Guillaume Gros (FC-cabling) Jeremy Blanc ( FC-FO) Marcin Szewczyk (EIC) Gerardo Velazquez (projet rénovation BA3 + goulotte / éclairage sécurité) Dimitrios Katsanikos (projet rénovation BA ) Denis Ribiollet (OP) Davide Bozzini (coordination EL) EN/CV Bill Bannister (Water, ventilation, air, puisards) Hassane Sabri (Water, ventilation, air, puisards) Jani Lehtinen (Water, ventilation, air, puisards) EN/STI Walter Scandale (UA9) Francesca Galluccio (UA9) Sven De Man TE/MSC Jeremie Bauche Pascal Catherine TE/EPC Karsten Kahle (High power) Gilles Le Godec (Medium power) Loic de Oliveira Alan Troller TE/VSC Anthony Harrison Jose Antonio Ferreira Somoza Jarmo Kortesmaa Wilhelmus Vollenberg (aC coating) Viktor Badin(COLDEX) Vincent Baglin (COLDEX) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

25 Group contact persons. (2)
Comments BE/BI Raymond Veness Morad Hamani BE/CO Mickael Azevedo IT/CS Maryse Da Costa Marc-Antoine Denis Stefano Agosta (GSM) BE/ICS Didier Vaxelaire (Access) Vitor Martins De Sousa Dos Rios (Access) Tomasz Ladzinski (New access system) Denis Raffourt (Fire detection) Michael Dole (Fire Safety) Anna Suwalska (Sprinklers) Eva Sanchez-Corral Mena (Planning) HSE/RP Angelito Herve Christophe Tromel Christelle Saury (BA1 Sextant 1) Florent Philippon (aspects RP du Fire Safety Project. EN/ACE Sonia Bartolomé (E.C.R / S.R.R) Fred Galleazzi (Intergration) Scharif Mehanneche (Intergration) Daniel del Alamo (Intergration) Emmanuel Paulat (Safety) EN/HE Pascal Brunero (Handling Operations) Sylvain Fumey (Handling Operations) Bruno Feral (Crane Maintenance) Gilles Roche (Lifts Maintenance) Jean-Louis Grenard EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

26 Group contact persons. (3)
Comments BE/OP James Ridewood Stephane Cettour Cave BE/RF Eric Montesinos (RF upgrade) Simon Rains Gino Cipolla Charles Julie SMB/SE Alejandro Martinez Selles Remi Noel Renzo Salustro Stewart Alexander Mcilwraith (Beam Dump) TE/ABT Francesco Castronuovo Gael Bellotto (Kickers) Peter Burkel (Kickers) Cedric Baud (Septa) Etienne Carlier (New Beam Dump) EN/SMM Patrick Bestmann (Survey) Camille Vendeuvre (Survey) Jerome Lendaro (BIDs controls / RADMONs) TE/MPE Richard Mompo (WIC) Ivan Romera Ramirez (BIS) SMB/SIS (Cleaning) Paulo Alexandre Fonseca Da Costa David Joseph Rene Chameaux Laetitia Lejeune Veronique Sogno EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

27 Group contact persons. (4)
The E-group for the SPS Planning and coordination is: SPS-Coordination-meeting (SPS Technical Coordination) You can add or remove your name for this E-group. Please check that the correct people from your group are on this this E-group. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

28 Access rights and safety equipment
EVERYONE who enters the SPS MUST have the following: Completed the correct courses. ( CERN Safety Introduction. Electrical Safety Awareness. CERN – Beam Facilities. SPS – Machine. AWAKE (to access TAG41) (Required since the 1st June 2018) Self Rescue Mask Training. (Classroom training) RP Controlled Area ***NEW*** The correct access authorisation (via EDH). CHECK YOUR ACCESS RIGHTS HAVE NOT EXPIRED!!!! Zone Code “SPS” for access into the SPS Zone Code “TAG41 - AWAKE (ex-CNGS) (TAG41)” for access into the old CNGS areas Zone Code “SPS-KN-000” for “Autorisation conduite RTL” (Contractors must complete a training) Zone Code “SPS-KN-001” for “SPS Shutdown Padlock” (only used during Long Shutdowns) Safety shoes. Biocell. Electronic dosimetre. Passive dosimetre. (All contractors must have an additional company passive dosimetre!!) Helmet plus Light. (The light on your phone is NOT sufficient) A valid approved IMPACT. (with their name included on this IMPACT) They must know the number of this IMPACT!!!! Please note that personnel are not allowed to work in the tunnel alone!! EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

29 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

30 On-line course "controlled area refresher" needed to access SPS or NA target area
In order to keep your access to SPS (all access points) in 2019, you must complete, preferably before the end of January 2019, the online course “Controlled area – refresher” on   In case you have not yet done the pre-requisites below, you will have to do these online courses first: YOU HAVE UNTIL THE END OF JANUARY TO COMPLETE THIS COURSE!! EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

31 Important Contacts Useful Contact Numbers
SPS Coordination Team (161735) David MCFARLANE Jonathan Pascal Meignan – Antonio Grande Mallavia Franck BAIS – Control Room TI CCC – 72201 CSA RP Angelito Herve – Christophe Tromel – Christelle Saury (BA1 Sextant 1) Florent Philippon (aspects RP du Fire Safety Project.) Dosimétrie Service Building EROS Engineering Referent for Operational Safety Emmanuel Paulat – John Etheridge EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

32 Who are the TSOs around the SPS?
Building number TSO Deputy TSO 814 (SPS ring & transfer tunnels) Franck BAIS David MCFARLANE 868 (BA1 surface) Gael BELLOTTO Antoine PROST 869 (BA2 surface) 870 (BA3 surface) Christophe RENAUD Charles JULIE 871 (BA4 surface) Loic DE OLIVEIRA Hafid KADIR 872 (BA5 surface) Frederic DALIGAULT 873 (BA6 surface) 876 (BA7 surface) Aymeric BOUVARD Stephane Bernard REIGNIER 806 (TT10 ventilation hut) Bill BANNISTER Hassane SABRI 898 (TT20 ventilation hut) Aziz AMAMOU EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

33 A.O.B Bonjour Merci de faire un rappel en réunion sur le slide ci-joint svp qui précise que l’équipe de Michel Arnaud ne FAIT PAS les traçages mais uniquement les perçages Tout est clair, pas d’interprétation possible. Par avance merci Serge EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

34 Useful websites Link to SPS planning meetings on INDICO
Link to the SPS planning Next General Planning meeting 20/02/2019 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

35 Back-up Slides EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

36 LS2 activities SPS EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane LIU Project
Extraction protection devices: Replacement of TPSC4 (LSS4) Replacement of TPSG6 (LSS6) 200 MHz RF power upgrade (LSS3, BA3, BAF3) 200 MHz low level RF upgrade Consolidation of BB3 cooling plant New modern static var compensator (BEQ1) Reconfiguration of LSS1 (LSS1, BA1) New beam loss monitors New upgraded scraper Replace one injection kicker MKP Reconfiguration of the enlarged quadrupoles (11610, 11710, 11810) New rotational Wire Scanners BWSRE (LSS4, LSS5) Change all the electrostatic septum ZS (LSS2) LHC injection lines TI2 and TI8 (see LHC coordination) New collimators TCDIs New vacuum valves aC coating (QF SSS, MBB 5+ 6-, LSS drifts all) New flanges for the impedance reduction LIU Project Replacement MOPOS electronics (Sextants 1,2,3,4,5,6) Add a vacuum valve (sector 210) Reconfiguration of LSS5 (ECA5, ECX5, LSS5) New Beam Dump Replace beam gas ionisation profile monitor (BGI) Replace the synchrotron light monitor (BSRT) New kicker magnet with vertical deflection for dumping MKDV (and generator) Reconfiguration of the enlarged quadrupoles (51610, 51810) Fire Safety Project New PPS Project New UA9 cristal and goniometer pair Consolidations Maintenance Upgrade New emergency lighting systems New safety cable tray Consolidation of the B-train WIC and BIS deployment Refurbishment of the lift (BA3, BA6) Electrical sub-station consolidation (BA1,2,4,6) Fire Safety Fire compartments Fires safety systems Manual fire fithing systems Automatic fixed fire fihting systems New access systems New personnal access devices PAD New material access Devices MAD New emergency exite doors New beam loss monitors De-cabling Project EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

37 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

38 Master Schedule (Version 1.3)
EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

39 Master Schedule (Version 1.3) IST Period for SPS
/!\ Shutdown Period does not mean work/access possible Start of the cleaning campaign in July Global New Access System Tests Etc… SPS 6 weeks of Individual System Tests (access restriction) List of known tests that need to start before the IST period: New 200 MHz RF System from June 2020 New Beam Dump System and reliability run to be defined No works/installations scheduled later than June 2020 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

40 The Coordination team David Mcfarlane Julie Coupard
SPS Facility Coordinator Overall planning and coordination Julie Coupard Deputy SPS Facility Coordinator Deputy overall planning and coordination Jonathan Pascal Meignan Planning and coordination of the LIU beam dump installation at BA5 and reconfiguration of BA1. Antonio Grande Mallavia Planning and coordination of all beamline affected activities. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

41 The Coordination team Franck Bais Romuald Bihery Cedric Halbert TSO
Onsite supervision Romuald Bihery Cedric Halbert Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

42 EROS Team and Organization SPS
Emmanuel Paulat Telephone: Points: 3, 4, 5 and 7 Backup John Robert Etheridge John Robert Etheridge Telephone: Points 1, 2 and 6 Backup Emmanuel Paulat Cyrille Patrick Bedel Telephone: Back Up for John Robert Etheridge and Emmanuel Paulat EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

43 Procedure to request Project Online Professional Licenses
Who? CERN users who need professional access to EN/ACE coordination schedules for CERN accelerator complex How? EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

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