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Speech in the Virginia Convention

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1 Speech in the Virginia Convention
Patrick Henry

2 Paragraph #1 Topic: He must oppose idea of peace.
Emotional: Freedom or Slavery (either/or) Diction: Respectful of audience Allusions: Responsibility to God tied to responsibility to country

3 Paragraph #2 Topic: We can’t ignore the problem.
Allusion to Odyssey: Sirens lead astray Allusion to Bible: Blind to truth RQ: Are we going to be blind to the truth? RQ: Is this the part of wise men?

4 Paragraph #3 Topic: Don’t trust the British.
Allusion to Bible: Suffer not yourselve to be betrayed with a kiss = Fake kindness Judas:Jesus :: Britain:colonists RQ: If Brits seek peace, then why all the military build up here??

5 Paragraph #4 Topic: British military build up is a clear sign that they are preparing for war. We should as well. Logic: What means this martial array . . ? RQ: Does Britain have any enemies in this quarter of the world?

6 Paragraph #5 Topic: We have attempted peace. Now we must fight. Peace is no longer an option. Parallelism & Logic: petitioned, remonstrated, supplicated, prostrated - they haven’t and won’t meet our demands Repetition & Emotion: We must fight! Imagery/Metaphor: Storm=War

7 Paragraph #6 Topic: We are strong enough to win Peace/slavery or war/freedom are the only options. RQ/logic: When shall we be stronger? Emotion: holy cause of liberty Charged words: vigilant, active, brave Allusion to Bible: God helps the brave. Repetition & emotion: Let it come! Imagery: clanging may be heard

8 Paragraph #7 Topic: War is inevitable – FIGHT!
Emotion/RQ: Is life so dear and peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? (Is peace worth being a slave?) Parallelism & Emotion: Give me liberty or give me death!

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