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Korean War.

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1 Korean War

2 Class INFO Historical Investigation Final Copy with a cover sheet is due MARCH 10th/11th Those who were absent last class will be taking the Terms test in ELO today. Take out the notes you have taken on Truman. YOU WILL NEED THESE NEXT CLASS AS WELL

3 The Sovietization of Eastern Europe
Korean War… Take out your binders and answer the review question. Create a cause/effect chart, coming up with at least 3 domestic issues and 3 international issues that would have had an impact on Truman’s decision to get involved in the Korean War. EXAMPLE: The Sovietization of Eastern Europe Truman believes the USSR wants to spread its influence across the globe (as seen in the Long Telegram) He cannot let the Soviets increase their sphere of influence in Asia too.

4 Read & take notes on “The Course of the War”
The Beginning of the War: U.N. Gets involved/Turning Point : The Change in Plans: China gets involved:

5 THE BEGINNING: - North Korea invades and completely runs over the South Koreans, easily taking the capital of Seoul. U.N. GETS INVOLVED: - Gen. MacArthur (USA) leads U.N. forces not good at first. Sneak attack on Inchon turns the tide and pushes N/Koreans back to 38th Parallel. THE CHANGE IN PLANS: - Goes from Containment to Rollback, pushing NK’s up to China…Gen. Mac. Threatens to use Nuclear weapons…Truman fires him. CHINA GETS INVOVLED: - Sends in 200,000 troops Nov to keep NK as a buffer… this leads the war to become a stalemate…for 2 more years, ending in July, 1953 under Pres. Eisenhower.

6 Look at the Cartoon and answer the 2 analysis questions
Look at the Cartoon and answer the 2 analysis questions. (Think of who Gen. Marshall is and what he did for Europe….)

7 Korean War: Types of War Civil War War of Proxy Limited War
Ideological War

8 4.) Results : Korea, USSR, China
Small Group Work: 4 1.) Role of Kim Il Sung 2.) Role of Stalin 3.) Role of Mao 4.) Results : Korea, USSR, China

9 Korean War Video WRITE NOTES!!!!
If you sleep… You will not get to use notes on the 2 short answer questions that follow the video.

10 Korean War Question #1 Explain the motives behind the following groups actions in Korea: Kim Il Sung- Stalin – Harry Truman – Mao – The U.N. – General MacArthur -

11 Korean War Question #2 Discuss the impacts of the Korean War on: North Korea – South Korea – The United States – USSR – China – Japan – UN -

12 Korean War Question #3 Explain what type(s) of war the Korean War was and the evolution of the war and the fighting. How was it fought? What significant factors lead to the success and failures on both sides? How were POW’s and civilians affected? How is this war different from other wars?

13 WWII Terms Test… Multiple Choice Terms Charted 1-10 6 11-15 17 16-20 8
21-25 1-10 2 11-15 7 16-22 19 23-27 3 1-10 9 11-15 13 16-20 15 21-25 1 1-10 2 11-15 12 16-22 18 23-27 8 1-10 13 11-15 8 16-20 8 21-25 1 1-10 7 11-15 11 16-22 13 23-27 3 1-10 5 11-15 11 16-20 6 21-25 1-10 11-15 7 16-22 19 23-27 1

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